Internet of Things for Industry and Human Application. Vol. 3
Babakov, R.M.; Biloborodova, T.O.; Brezhniev, E.V.; Bojko, A.O.; Bousher, V.V.; Bykovyy, P.Y.; Derkach, M.V.; Dombrowskyi, Z.I.; Dotsenko, S.I.; Drozd, Oleksandr; Fesenko, H.V.; Gerasin, O.S.; Hladiy, G.M.; Illiashenko, O.O.; Kharchenko, V.S.; Kochan, V.V.; Kolisnyk, M.O.; Kondratenko, Yu.P.; Korobko, O.V.; Kozlov, O.V.; Krainyk, Y.M.; Kritska, Y.O.; Leoshchenko, S.D.; Maevsky, D.A.; Martynyuk, O.М.; Maevskaya, O.Yu.; Morshchavka, S.V.; Musiyenko, M.P.; Oliinyk, A.O.; Orekhov, O.O.; Parkhomenko, A.V.; Osolinskyi, O.R.; Pavlenko, D.V.; Sachenko, O.; Skarga-Bandurova, I.S.; Solovyov, O.O.; Stadnik, A.O.; Strielkina, A.A.; Yurchak, O.V.; Subbotin, S.O.; Topalov, A.M.; Zahorodnia, D.I.; Zhuravska, І.M.; Uzun, D.D.; Waleed, AlKhafaji Ahmed
Three-volume book contains theoretical materials for lectures and training modules developed in
frameworks of project “Internet of Things: Emerging Curriculum for Industry and Human Applications
/ALIOT” (Project Number: 573818-EPP-1-2016-1-UK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, 2016-2019) funded by EU
Program ERASMUS+. Volume 3 describes techniques and tools for creation, assessment and
implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) in different industry and human domains. The book consists
of 6 parts for corresponding training courses: IoT for smart energy grid (sections 32-35), IoT for smart
buildings and cities (sections 36-39), IoT for intelligent transportation systems (sections 40-43), IoT for
healthcare systems (sections 44-47), IoT for ecology, safety and security monitoring systems (sections
48-51), IoT for industrial systems (sections 52-56). The book prepared by Ukrainian university teams
with support of EU academic colleagues of the ALIOT consortium.
The book is intended for MSc and PhD students studying IoT technologies, software and
computer engineering and science, cyber security. It could be useful for lecturers of universities and
training centers, researchers and developers of IoT systems.
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