During the life cycle of dynamic complex systems management it is accompanied by crises caused by the internal
nature of management processes and external environmental challenges that lead to inhibition, and sometimes to a complete stop of
the process. The general space of anti-crisis management parameters is divided into two parts: planned (after the beginning of the
life cycle or after each bifurcation) and anti-crisis (crisis identification, anti-crisis decision making and planning of the part of the
cycle after bifurcation). The method of morphological and parametric anti-crisis analysis and life cycle management of a dynamic
complex system is proposed, which consists in decomposition of the project with selection of the latter parameters, as well as division
of the system “crisis event – anti-crisis solution” into elementary parameters. Then there is a convergence of the results of
decomposition and identification and the adoption of the final verdict with the adjustment of the current project plan, which allowed
to build anti-crisis management on an effective scheme with bifurcations of the plan. The scheme and technology of project crisis
vectors step-by-step convergence and of anti-crisis solutions vectors are developed. The information technology of making an anticrisis decision and continuing the project from the bifurcation point is proposed. The structure of the convergence of “damaged”
process parameters of the planned life cycle of dynamic complex systems management and parameters of anti-crisis decisions with a
verdict is created. The convergence of the complex multiparameter dynamical systems life cycle crisis parameters with the
parameters of anti-crisis solutions is theoretically substantiated. The technology of convergence of crisis parameters of the life cycle
of complex multiparameter dynamic systems with the parameters of anti – crisis solutions has been developed in order to optimize
the latter. Methods for estimating the degree of closeness between individual sets of different parameters dimensions during their
convergence have been developed. Practical tests of research results are carried out. The information technology “DYCOS” of anticrisis solutions in management of dynamic difficult systems search is developed. “DYCOS” technology is used in anti-crisis
restructuring of the educational process during quarantine restrictions