Наведено результати моделювання перехідних процесів режимів роботи двоконтурної системи підпорядкованого керування швидкістю подачі електродного дроту при дуговому зварюванні з використанням Fuzzyрегулятора в контурі швидкості.Система керування забезпечує дозоване імпульсн епереміщення дроту з середньою швидкістю подачі в діапазон івід100 до 700 м/год при частоті повторення імпульсів 100 Гц
Research of the operation modes for the electric drive (actuator) of the mechanisms of impulse feeding of the welding wire to ensure its movement with a given feeding stage is a relevant for further im-provement of the welding technology. As is known, the quality of welded joints increases with increasing the impulse frequency of the welding wire. The presence of such a trend makes it advisable to conduct the re-search in order to determine the possibility of extending the range of regulation for the frequency of metered supply of welding wire. By the combination of electromechanical properties in the conditions of a possible change in the workload range of the motor, the use of brushless DC electric drive in impulse feeding mecha-nisms is mostly promising. This requirement caused the use of the model of the brushless DC electric motor in the development of a mathematical model of the automatic control system for the speed of the wire feed-ing. In the current circuit of the developed two-circuit automatic control system, a relay controller was used. The research of the mathematical model of the system in order to the speed circuit configuration with a Fuzzy proportional-integral regulator has shown the stable operation of the system in a wider range of vari-ation ofthe duty cycle of the impulses within the given signal than with the analog proportional-integral regulator. By processing of a given unipolar signal, which was formed by a generator of rectangular impuls-es with the frequency of 100 Hz and impulse duty cycleequal to 0,5 (the ratio of the total period of the signal to the impulse width, i.e. impulse active time, is 2 correspondently), the control system with the Fuzzy regula-tor provided the movement of the wire with a stop and pause at each step of the feeding. The motor load moment in the experiments varied from zero to nominal. Under similar experimental conditions, the use of the analog regulator did not provide a stop for the wire movement for each given impulse. Additionally, the average speed of its movement on the feeding step has increased in several times. The obtained results of the mathematical modelling of the system determined the relevance of further research on the operation modes of the valve electric drive (valve electric actuator) for impulse feeding of the welding wire to achieve new technological possibilities of mechanized welding.
Приведенырезультатымоделирования переходныхпроцессоврежимовработыдвухконтурнойсистемыподчиненногоуправления скоростьюподачиэлектроднойпроволкиприду-говойсваркесисползованием FUZZYрегулятора в контур ескорости.Система управленияобесп е-чиваетдоз ированноеимпульсноеперем ещен иепроволкисо средн ейскоростьюподачив диапазонеот100 до 700м/часпри частотеповторенияимпульсов 100Гц.