Просмотр 2014 по названию

Просмотр 2014 по названию

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  • Dmitrieva, I . Yu .; Дмитриева, И . Ю .; Дмитрієва, І . Ю . (Odessa Politechnic University, 2014)
    The suggested results represent a special case of the general scientific trend dealing with mathematical modeling and analytical study of electromagnetic field phenomena described by the systems of PDEs (partial differential ...
  • Liubchenko, Vira; Любченко, Вера Викторовна; Любченко, Віра Вікторівна (Odessa Politechnic University, 2014)
    The adoption of Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” (2014) involves the increase in students’ selflearning activity part in the curriculum. Therefore the self-learning activities’ arrangement in a way augmenting the ...
  • Chaban, V. V.; Pipa, B . F .; Чабан, В . В .; Пипа, Б . Ф .; Піпа, Б . Ф . (Odessa Polytechnic University, 2014)
    The paper is devoted to the development of scientific bases of the knitting machine design, in particular , to the calculation of warping spools of warp- knitting machines. The method of calculating ...
  • Maksimov, M. V.; Kanazirskyi, N. F.; Kokol, E. A.; Максимов, М. В.; Каназирский, М. Ф.; Кокол, Е. А.; Максимов, М. В.; Каназірський, М. Ф.; Кокол, Є. О. (Odessa Polytechnic University, 2014)
    High reliability and security of power unit are basic require ments when the power unit ma neuvering mode operation. The reactor stability under disturbances both at steady load and maneuvering load ...
  • Volkov, V . E .; Волков, В . Э .; Волков, В . Е . (Odessa Politechnic University, 2014)
    Deflagration-to-detonation transition is interesting both for explosion safety and for the pulse detonation engine designing. Such engines are energetically favorable at flight Mach numbers exceeding 3. But transition ...
  • Brunetkin, A. I.; Bondarenko, A. V.; Lysyuk, A. V.; Брунеткин, А. И.; Бондаренко, А. В.; Лысюк, А. В.; Брунеткін, О. І.; Бондаренко, А. В.; Лисюк, О. В. (Odessa Politechnic University, 2014)
    There exists a wide range and a considerable potential of alternative (non-certified) gas fuel types. Uncertainty and flexibility of nonconventional fuels’ composition seriously limits the possible exploitation of these ...
  • Kushnirenko, N . I .; Chechelnytskyi, V . Ya .; Кушниренко, Н . И .; Чечельницкий, В . Я .; Кушніренко, Н . І .; Чечельницький, В . Я . (Odessa Politechnic University, 2014)
    The aim is to develop the method of information transfer using perfect binary arrays, which is based on their structural and correlation properties. The properties of the equivalence class of perfect binary arrays are ...
  • Kozina, M. O.; Козина, М. А.; Козіна, М. О. (Odessa Politechnic University, 2014)
    Actuality of developing of new steganographic methods doesn’t cause doubts due to the rapid development of information technologies and considerable minuses of existing steganomethods. It is presented a steganographic ...
  • Kovalenko, I. L.; Kuprin, V. P.; Коваленко, И. Л.; Куприн, В. П.; Коваленко, І. Л.; Куприн, В. П. (Odessa Politechnic University, 2014)
    The influence of the ammonium nitrate-based oxidizer composition on the technological and detonation parameters of the emulsion energy condensed systems for mining industry has been considered. It is shown that the use ...
  • Averochkin, V. A.; Troyanskiy, А. V.; Аверочкин, В. А.; Троянский, А. В.; Аверочкін, В. О.; Троянський, О. В. (Odessa Politechnic University, 2014)
    Introduction of automated radar detection systems makes it an urgent task to develop and implement detection algorithms which provide false alarm probability stabilization for a priori unknown interference environment ...
  • Osipenko, V . I .; Plakhotny, A . P .; Denisenko, A . Yu .; Осипенко, В . И .; Плахотный, А . П .; Денисенко, А . Ю .; Осипенко, В . І .; Плахотний, О . П .; Денисенко, А . Ю . (Odessa Polytechnic University, 2014)
    The wire electro discharge machining (WEDM) process produces surfaces that require some kind of fi nishing operation. The precision electrochemical machining is one of techniques used mainly to ...
  • Brunetkin, A. I.; Брунеткин, А. И.; Брунеткін, О. І. (Odessa Politechnic University, 2014)
    Considered is an alternative, in relation to the widely used “differential” one, “integrated” approach to solving the dynamics problems. Instead of simplifying the differential and thus complicated mathematical model to ...
  • Volkov, V. E.; Волков, В. Э.; Волков, В. Е. (Odessa Politechnic University, 2014)
    The laminar-turbulent transition, analyzed in this work represents a particular interest for various branches of science and engineering. From the practical point of view, the turbulence scale represents one of the most ...
  • Voinov, A. P.; Mazurenko, A. S.; Olesevich, E. K.; Воинов, А. П.; Мазуренко, А. С.; Олесевич, Е. К.; Воінов, О. П.; Мазуренко, А. С.; Олесевич, Є. К. (Odessa Politechnic University, 2014)
    The existing structure of the fuel balance in Ukraine does largely determine high prices of such energy products as the electricity and the heat. The main reason lies in the fact that approximately 40 % of the fuel balance ...
  • Chaban, V . V .; Pipa, B . F .; Чабан, В . В .; Пипа, Б . Ф .; Чабан, В . В .; Піпа, Б . Ф . (Odessa Polytechnic University, 2014)
    The article is sancti- fied to improve method of dyna mic calculation of dynamic coef ficients of the mechanical sy stems, the dynamical model of which can be presented by the three-mass row system with the first ...
  • Тrus, І. М.; Маkаrеnko, І. М.; Shabliy, T. O.; Трус, И. Н.; Макаренко, И. Н.; Шаблий, Т. А.; Трус, І. М.; Макаренко, І. М.; Шаблій, Т. О. (Odessa Politechnic University, 2014)
    To solve the disposal problem of high-salinity liquid wastes resulting from the water demineralization, researched are the processes of chlorides’ and sulphates’ ion-exchange separation with further sulphates (in the ...
  • Korolyov, O. V.; Derevyanko, O. V.; Pogosov, O. Yu.; Королёв, А. В.; Деревянко, О. В.; Погосов, А. Ю.; Корольов, О. В.; Дерев’янко, О. В.; Погосов, О. Ю. (Odessa Politechnic University, 2014)
    Considered is the original constructive version of pump unit’s combined turbine drive, the suggested solution being to fix impellers at different shafts interconnected with a transmission mechanism. The study goal was ...
  • Savelyeva, O. S.; Krasnozhon, O. M.; Lebedeva, O. U.; Савельева, О. С.; Красножон, А. Н.; Лебедева, Е. Ю.; Савєльєва, О. С.; Красножон, О. М.; Лебедєва, О. Ю. (Odessa Politechnic University, 2014)
    The problems of improving the efficiency of the design process and decision-making processes support at the design stage are considered. In particular, proposed is to use an information structural statistical model under ...
  • Соколов, Артем Викторович; Соколов, Артем Вікторович; Буряк, В. Д.; Буряк, В. Д.; Sokolov, Artem V.; Buryak, V. D. (Odessa Politechnic University, 2014)
    Трудоемкость задачи дискретного логарифмирования положена в основу криптографической устойчивости многих алгоритмов ассиметричного шифрования, например, широко используемого криптоалгоритма RSA. Одним из наиболее эффективных ...
  • Фощ, Т . В .; Фощ., Т . В .; Fosch, T . V . (Odessa Politechnic University, 2014)
    Рассматрива- ется влияние ксеноновых переходных процессов в программах регулирования мощностью энергоблока ВВЭР-1000 на устойчивость и надежность реактора. Ксеноновые переходные процессы в режиме маневрирования ...