Modern gantry cranes are an indispensable element of large industrial and transport enterprises. Port
handling equipment is operated under conditions of complex spatial loading of varying intensity, as well as
under conditions when the walls of structural elements are thinned in the crane carrier system. During the
operation of handling equipment in ports, at construction sites, in machine-building industries, in addition to
the external load, aggressive media act on the carrier system elements, which leads to various types of wear:
corrosive, abrasive and mechanical. Monitoring of the state of handling equipment structures is a very
important task of diagnosing the state of the material of elements of the carrier system of cranes and
transporting machines. An important and urgent scientific and technical problem of taking into account the
influence of aggressive environment on the stress-strain state of the metal structures of gantry cranes is
considered. It is noted that during corrosion, a significant thinning of the walls of structural elements occurs.
The safety of crane operation requires this factor to be taken into account. It is proposed to use modern
numerical methods for this, i.e. the boundary element method (BEM) and the finite element method (FEM).
The implementation of these methods is performed in the Matlab programming and modeling environment
(BEM), and the FEM is used in the Ansys package. In accordance with the technologies of these methods, the
design diagrams of the lower girders and the crane structure as a whole were formed. Exact models of strain
of crane elements during transverse bending and constrained torsion are given. Calculations of the stressstrain state of the crane metal structures have been performed. On the basis of a preliminary field study, a
numerical model is proposed for diagnosing the strength and stiffness characteristics of the carrier system of
handling equipment using the BEM and FEM, which has never been used in the world. Conclusions are
drawn about the influence of the thinning of the walls of metal structures on the values of normal and
tangential stresses.