Decompressor for hardware applications

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dc.contributor.author Romankevych, Vitalii
dc.contributor.author Романкевич, Віталій Олексійович
dc.contributor.author Романкевич, Виталий Алексеевич
dc.contributor.author Mozghovyi, Ivan
dc.contributor.author Мозговий, Іван Владиславович
dc.contributor.author Мозговой, Иван Владиславович
dc.contributor.author Serhiienko, Pavlo
dc.contributor.author Сергієнко, Павло Анатолійович
dc.contributor.author Сергиенко, Павел Анатольевич
dc.contributor.author Lefteris Zacharioudakis
dc.contributor.author Лефтеріс Захаріудакіс
dc.contributor.author Лефтерис Захаpиудакис
dc.date.accessioned 2023-05-03T20:18:46Z
dc.date.available 2023-05-03T20:18:46Z
dc.date.issued 2023-04-10
dc.identifier.citation Romankevych, V., Mozghovyi, I., Serhiienko, P., Lefteris Zacharioudakis. (2023). Decompressor for hardware applications. Аpplied Aspects of Information Technology, Vol. 6, N 1, р. 74–83. en
dc.identifier.citation Decompressor for hardware applications / V. Romankevych, I. Mozghovyi, P. Serhiienko, Lefteris Zacharioudakis // Аpplied Aspects of Information Technology = Прикладні аспекти інформ. технологій. – Оdesa, 2023. – Vol. 6, N 1. – P. 74–83. en
dc.identifier.issn 2617-4316
dc.identifier.issn 2663-7723
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.opu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/13463
dc.description.abstract The use of lossless compression in the application specificcomputersprovides such advantages as minimizedamount of memory, increased bandwidth of interfaces, reducedenergy consumption, and improvedself-testing systems. The article discusses known algorithms of lossless compression with the aim of choosing the most suitable one for implementation in a hardware-software decompressor. Among them, the Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW)algorithm makes it possible to perform the associative memory of the decompressor dictionary in the simplest way by using the sequential reading the symbols of the decompressed word. The analysis of the existing hardware implementations of the decompressors showed that the main goal in their development was to increase the bandwidth at the expense of increasing hardware costs and limited functionality. It is proposed to implement the LZW decompressor in a hardware modulebased on a microprocessor core with a specialized instruction set. For this, a processor core with a stack architecture was selected, which is developed by the authors for the tasks of the filegrammaranalyzing. Additional memory block for thedictionary storing and an input buffer which converts the byte stream of the packed file into a sequence of unpacked codes are added to it. The processor core instruction set isadjusted to both speed up decompression and reduce hardware costs. The decompressor is described bythe Very high-speedintegral circuit Hardware Description Language and is implemented in a fieldprogramable gate array (FPGA). At a clock frequency of up to two hundred megahertz,the average throughputof the decompressor is more than ten megabytes per second. Because ofthe hardware and software implementation, an LZW decompressor is developed, which has approximately the same hardware costs as that of the hardware decompressor andhas a lower bandwidth at the costs offlexibility, multifunctionality, which is provided by the processor core software. In particular, a decompressor of the GraphicInterchangeFormat files is implemented on the basis of this device in FPGA for the application of dynamic visualization of patterns on the embedded systemdisplay en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Nauka i Tekhnika en
dc.subject lossless compression en
dc.subject field programable gate array en
dc.subject hardware-software co-design en
dc.subject intellectual property core en
dc.subject Decompressor for hardware applications en
dc.title Decompressor for hardware applications en
dc.title.alternative Декомпресор для апаратних застосунків uk
dc.type Article en
opu.citation.journal Applied Aspects of Information Technology en
opu.citation.volume 1 en
opu.citation.firstpage 74 en
opu.citation.lastpage 83 en
opu.citation.issue 6 en

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