4. Scopus


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  • Dobrynin, Yevhen; Добринін, Євген Вікторович; Brunetkin, Оleksandr; Брунеткін, Олександр Іванович; Maksymov, Maksym; Максимов, Максим Віталійович; Maksymov, Оleksiy; Максимов, Олексій Максимович (Technology Center, 2020)
    This paper reports the established feature of non-linear differential equations as those that most adequately describe the properties of objects. Possible methods of their linearization have been analyzed. The issues related ...
  • Ahmed, Musaab Mohammed; Vodichev, Vladimir (2021)
    This paper presents the simulation results of electric drives and industrial plants by using new smart controller with fixed parameters. Transient response of multiple linear and nonlinear plants with changing of ...
  • Kazakova, Nadiia; Казакова, Надія Феліксівна; Sokolov, Artem; Соколов, Артем Вікторович (CEUR-WS, 2020)
    The current stage of development of information technologies is characterized by the active introduction of the functions of many-valued logic. In particular, many-valued logic functions are used in cryptography to build ...
  • Sokolov, Artem (2019)
    t. The paper is devoted to the research of the interrelation between classes of such perfect algebraic constructions as perfect binary arrays and bentsequences. The algebraic normal form of bent-sequences of length 16 n ...
  • Shcherbakova, Galina; Krylov, Viktor; Sachenko, Anatoliy; Bykovyy, Pavlo; Zahorodnia, Diana; Komar, Myroslav; Kit, Ivan; Lendiuk, Dmytro; Kaniovskyi, Andriy; Dacko, Mykola (2019)
    In modern instrumentation, the number of soldered joints in printed circuit boards can reach several thousand. Diagnostics of the soldered joints defects within the optical wave length range is carried out using ...
  • Galchenkov, Oleg; Nevrev, Alexander (2019)
    A modification of the NEAT algorithm is proposed through the use of a mechanism for changing the level of mutations. At the same time, both the weight coefficients and the number of neurons in the hidden layers and the ...
  • Teslenko, Pavlo; Lobachev, Mikhail; Kondratiev, Serhii; Terentiev, Kyrylo; Kuznichenko, Andrii (2019)
    The abstracts present the results of many years of work by teachers and students of the Institute of Computer Systems of Odessa National Polytechnic University on the task of reconstructing the building of the institute. ...
  • Bedrii, Dmytro; Semko, Inga; Krylov, Victor (2019)
    The theses of the report are devoted to the necessity of application, as to the current requirements, acute for power engeneering of information technologies. Development and implementation of IT projects at the enterprises ...
  • Antoshchuk, Svitlana; Teslenko, Pavlo; Sytnyk, Volodymyr (2019)
    The paper discusses methods for forecasting financial markets. Their advantages and disadvantages are presented. A genetic approach for the formation of the structure and training of the neural network is proposed. The ...
  • Martynyuk, Oleksandr; Мартинюк, Олександр Миколайович; Drozd, Oleksandr; Дрозд, Олександр Валентинович; Stepova, Hanna; Степова, Ганна Сергіївна; Antonyuk, Viktor; Антонюк, Віктор Вікторович; Martynyuk, Dmytro; Мартинюк, Дмитро Олександрович (CEUR-WS, 2020)
    The use of multi-agent technologies in modern distributed information systems, that due to the increasingly demanded properties of autonomy, mobility, intelligence, cooperation, determines their appearance in the tools ...
  • Filyppova, Svitlana; Bovnegra, Liubov; Chukurna, Olena; Vudvud, Oleksandr; Dobrovolskyi, Vitalii (2021)
    The article is devoted to the current problem of "green" logistics - emissions of harmful substances in road transport. It was considered the main directions for reducing emissions related to both technical improvement ...
  • Dillies, Jimmy; Dmitrishin, Dmitriy; Smorodin, Andrey; Stokolos, Alex (2021)
    The Koebe One Quarter Theorem states that the range of any Schlicht function contains the centered disc of radius 1/4 which is sharp due to the value of the Koebe function at ´1. A natural question is finding polynomials ...
  • Pavlenko, Vitaliy; Shamanina, Tetyana; Chori, Vladislav (2021)
    In recent years, there has been an increase in interest in biometrics research involving the use of brain characteristics commonly known as behavioral traits. Human eyes contain a rich source of idiosyncratic information ...
  • Drozd, Oleksandr; Дрозд, Олександр Валентинович; Zashcholkin, Kostiantyn; Защолкін, Костянтин Вячеславович; Martynyuk, Oleksandr; Мартинюк, Олександр Миколайович; Ivanova, Olena; Іванова, Олена Миколаївна; Drozd, Julia; Дрозд, Юлія Володимирівна (CEUR-WS, 2020)
    The paper is dedicated to the development of FPGA-designing (Field Programmable Gate Array) components for safety-related systems as an important direction in improving the functional safety of high-risk facilities and ...
  • Verlan, Andriy; Khudayarov, Bakhtiyar; Verlan, Anatolii; Fomin, Oleksandr; Polozhaenko, Sergii (2021)
    The article is dedicated to computer modeling of a viscoelastic based plate flutter in design of aeronautical structures in sustainable mechanical engineering. The mathematical model of the flutter problem for viscoelastic ...
  • Kazakova, Nadiia; Sokolov, Artem; Troyanskiy, Alexander (2021)
    The development of modern cryptanalysis methods, in particular, with the use of many-valued logic functions, leads to the need for a more detailed research of the correlation properties of Sboxes of modern cryptographic ...
  • Bobok, Ivan; Kobozieva, Alla; Kushnirenko, Nataliya (2021)
    The Least Significant Bit (LSB) method is one of the most widespread and demanded steganographic methods nowadays. Detection and decoding the hidden information, embedded in a container using the LSB, is a challenging ...
  • Volodarets, Mykyta; Володарець, Микита Віталійович; Gritsuk, Igor; Грицук, Ігор Валерійович; Ukrainskyi, Yevhen; Український, Євген Олександрович; Shein, Vitalii; Шеїн, Віталій Сергійович; Stepanov, Oleksii; Степанов, Олексій Вікторович; Khudiakov, Igor; Худяков, Ігор Валентинович; Ahieiev, Maksym; Агєєв, Максим Сергійович; Vychuzhanin, Volodymyr; Вичужанін, Володимир Вікторович; Smyrnov, Oleh; Смирнов, Олег Петрович; Saraiev, Oleksii; Сараєв, Олексій Вікторович (Technology Center, 2020)
    In connection with the active development of information systems in transport, it becomes necessary to integrate vehicles, infrastructure and humans into a single information network. The V2I system of information analysis ...
  • Bochkovskyi, Andrii; Бочковський, Андрій Петрович (International OCSCO World Press, 2020)
    Purpose: Elaborate and substantiate stochastic models of occupational risk evaluation for application in the occupation health and safety. Design/methodology/approach: Analysis of scientific and technical literature and ...
  • Kolomiets, Leonid; Aniskin, Aleksej; Orobey, Victor; Daschenko, Alexander; Lymarenko, Alexander; Boriak, Kostiantyn (2021)
    : The work uses modern numerical methods of mechanics of a deformable solid to analyze the stress-strain state of orthopedic structures in order to improve them and improve the quality of treatment of patients. Among the ...

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