Combining strategic management and transformation processes in the environment of international companies

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dc.contributor.author Tereshchenko, Dina
dc.contributor.author Nikolaevskaya, Olga
dc.contributor.author Borysenko, Olha
dc.contributor.author Tkach, Kostyantyn
dc.contributor.author Filyppova, Svitlana
dc.date.accessioned 2025-01-20T10:19:25Z
dc.date.available 2025-01-20T10:19:25Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.citation Tereshchenko D. Combining strategic management and transformation processes in the environment of international companies / D. Tereshchenko, O. Nikolaevskaya, O. Borysenko, K. Tkach, S. Filyppova // Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal Volume 18, Special Issue 1, 2019 en
dc.identifier.issn 1939-6104-18-SI-1-490
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.opu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/14841
dc.description.abstract The article is devoted to the issue of organic combination of strategic management and transformation processes and changes in the current activity of international companies. Level blocks for providing strategic management of corporate transformations have been formed and the determining criteria for strategic effectiveness of international companies activity in the process of organizational changes have been identified. Modeling of conflict-free combination of corporate control and corporate management tools during ownership transformation has been carried out. Corporate transformation should be understood as the process of organizational and economic transformation of IC, in which the composition of legal entities-holders of corporate rights changes (as a rule, the composition and structure of shareholders of a corporation). The main types of corporate transformation should include: corporate integration, spin-off and corporate division. It should be noted that transformations are abrupt changes in IC activity leading to a radical restructuring of the system of production and market activity of the corporation. Authors recommend block based on the scientific concepts of that the development of the ownership structure requires adequate development of the organizational structure of the company, and not only by a method of separation or integration, that is, the use of transformations, but also in the context of providing the most favorable structure for carrying out the set tasks. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject International Company en
dc.subject Strategic Management en
dc.subject Corporate Management en
dc.subject Corporate Transformation en
dc.subject Organizational Changes en
dc.subject Strategic Effectiveness en
dc.title Combining strategic management and transformation processes in the environment of international companies en
dc.type Article en
opu.citation.journal Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal en
opu.citation.issue Volume 18, Special Issue 1, 2019 en

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