У статті подано огляд теорій зарубіжних антропологів щодо місця праці та грошей
у трансформаційних суспільних процесах. Простежено переважання уявлень про гроші
як руйнівну силу, що нищить традиційні культури та ринкові відносини, які повністю
змінюють ставлення до праці та грошей, підміняючи моральні норми утилітарною користю. Зазначено наявність альтернативних точок зору на мотивацію праці та мож-
ливість мирного співіснування глобального та традиційного у ставленні до грошей. Підкреслюється, що у сучасних дослідженнях співіснують обидва підходи.
The impact of globalization on the existence of local cultures remains the focus of anthropological research. The concept of money is one of the markers of how traditional culture
meets global capitalism.
A historiographical review of foreign cultural anthropologists’ significant works on this issue is presented in the paper. The way in which scholars interpret the collision of global capitalism and traditional culture is analyzed. The focus is on the place of money, labor, and work
motivation in this interpretation.
Many scholars emphasize the destructive nature of the impact of the global on local cultures, based on the tradition founded by Polanyi and developed by Bohannan. According to
them, before the emergence of market relations, the need for labor was motivated not by economic but rather by social and moral norms. Global capitalism completely changed the attitude to labor and money, replacing moral norms with utilitarian benefits. Later anthropological studies (J. Parry and M. Bloch, E. Hirschman) are based on the possibility of coexistence of
archaic features with modern economic systems in a single cultural matrix. In modern research works, both approaches coexist including synthetic form as well. In the paper, it is
noted that the views of the scholar mostly depend on the level of social ranking at which the
object of study is located.
It is mentioned that the range of problems studied by the anthropology of money has
changed insignificantly. Thus, for the modern anthropologist, there is a considerable area for
studying social transformations and cultural features through the attitude to labor and money.