«Возможные миры Тарантино»: анализ методологических подходов

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dc.contributor.author Бородіна, Наталія В’ячеславівна
dc.contributor.author Бородина, Наталия Вячеславовна
dc.contributor.author Borodina, Nataliia
dc.date.accessioned 2017-09-25T11:08:30Z
dc.date.available 2017-09-25T11:08:30Z
dc.date.issued 2016
dc.identifier.citation Бородина, Н. В. «Возможные миры Тарантино»: анализ методологических подходов / Н. В. Бородина // Філософія та гуманізм. - 2016. - № 4 (2). - С. 24-33. ru
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.opu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/5362
dc.description.abstract Nataliia Borodina "THE POSSIBLE WORLDS TARANTINO": AS ANALYSIS OF METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES The article is devoted to analysis of the working Quentin Tarantino. According mainstream researches, Tarantino is a classical agent of pop culture. But each new Tarantinos film have a rebuttal against the current research concept. Therefore, the Great quantity of bloody scenes is a visite-card of his film and many researchers think that Tarantino is a follower of the "Philosophy of cruelty“. The commercial success of the Director allowed to explore his art as the theorists of mass culture. But violence and populism are rather the instruments of Tarantino, too often in his films he self-mocks in these techniques, mechanics and shows their absurdity. The using of aesthetical approach can reveal that Tarantino is close to the postmodern "simulacra of history" and links to a non-existent source. The use of ontological approach to the study let to discover the roots of Buddhist philosophy Tarantino, the justification of the idea of Karma. Thr epistemological approach allows you to build the logic of "possible worlds" which is the universe of Tarantino. The ethical approach allows us to see in the works of Tarantino is the overcoming of biological nature of man, but not abandoning it. This idea is achieved with a special understanding of the category"justice". In possible worlds celebrity justice appears as a symbol of faith in that culture will be above the hate. Keywords: Tarantino, simulacra, postmodernism, possible worlds en
dc.language.iso ru en
dc.subject Тарантіно uk
dc.subject симулякри uk
dc.subject постмодернізм uk
dc.subject можливі світи uk
dc.title «Возможные миры Тарантино»: анализ методологических подходов ru
dc.type Article en
opu.kafedra Кафедра філософії та методології науки ua
opu.citation.journal Философия и гуманизм ru
opu.citation.firstpage 24 en
opu.citation.lastpage 33 en
opu.citation.issue 4 en
opu.staff.id n.v.borodina@opu.ua

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