Search Statistics

Search Statistics for ІНФОРМАТИКА ТА МАТЕМАТИЧНІ МЕТОДИ В МОДЕЛЮВАННІ. Том 3, номер 2, 2013

Top Search Terms

Search Term Searches % of Total Pageviews / Search
1 subject_keyword:compression 12 3.43% 0.00
2 author_authority:(117dbeab-9869-49f3-9fd7-f5afc71c7693) 11 3.14% 0.00
3 author_authority:(6796292d-941e-4469-8f4d-75f18d27edec) 10 2.86% 0.00
4 dateIssued_keyword:2013 10 2.86% 0.00
5 subject_keyword:matrix 10 2.86% 0.00
6 author_authority:(d7e80d7d-8892-4018-a635-95ec9bb03969) 9 2.57% 0.00
7 subject_keyword:матрица 9 2.57% 0.00
8 author_authority:(805b8543-10d0-4b2b-8a36-99eb2fad245e) 8 2.29% 0.00
9 author_keyword:Melnik, Margarita 8 2.29% 0.00
10 author_authority:(b0551455-f577-4951-816a-3f87ed3fd682) 7 2.00% 0.00


Searches % of Total Pageviews / Search
350 100.00% 0.00