Search Statistics

Search Statistics for ІНФОРМАТИКА ТА МАТЕМАТИЧНІ МЕТОДИ В МОДЕЛЮВАННІ. Том 4, номер 1, 2014

Top Search Terms

Search Term Searches % of Total Pageviews / Search
1 dateIssued_keyword:2014 53 15.50% 0.00
2 subject_keyword:area localization 12 3.51% 0.00
3 subject_keyword:computational error 12 3.51% 0.00
4 author_authority:(8a058367-52f5-4bd3-b0ad-2c3759aa0d2b) 11 3.22% 0.00
5 author_authority:(f23e7456-9d10-4f8c-8fe5-932e1ca5d447) 11 3.22% 0.00
6 subject_keyword:CDMA 11 3.22% 0.00
7 subject_keyword:compactness display 11 3.22% 0.00
8 author_authority:(15909df2-d008-4d00-92a5-69643aa281ae) 10 2.92% 0.00
9 author_authority:(28bf93ed-ace5-4412-bc74-4d795bbf2c74) 10 2.92% 0.00
10 author_authority:(3979b251-f53f-4ce2-9083-f319b1f5f08d) 10 2.92% 0.00


Searches % of Total Pageviews / Search
342 100.00% 0.00