Search Statistics

Search Statistics for ІНФОРМАТИКА ТА МАТЕМАТИЧНІ МЕТОДИ В МОДЕЛЮВАННІ. Том 8, номер 1, 2018

Top Search Terms

Search Term Searches % of Total Pageviews / Search
1 author_authority:(03865c59-e668-48c9-a4cf-d63ba8205def) 7 4.61% 0.00
2 subject_keyword:amplifier 7 4.61% 0.00
3 subject_keyword:control quality indicators 7 4.61% 0.00
4 subject_keyword:deviation control 7 4.61% 0.00
5 subject_keyword:diagnostics 7 4.61% 0.00
6 author_authority:(0db0dd7a-e2f8-4624-9ec7-be46c1d5cdcf) 6 3.95% 0.00
7 author_authority:(22870382-e24a-4f78-ab74-3cd8fc75092f) 6 3.95% 0.00
8 author_authority:(26bfa70e-f3c3-434e-bb45-b45b95ee7e2d) 6 3.95% 0.00
9 author_authority:(51460dca-f4c3-4c4f-9559-2120c9fd8166) 6 3.95% 0.00
10 subject_keyword:additional perturbations 6 3.95% 0.00


Searches % of Total Pageviews / Search
152 100.00% 0.00