Global climate change causes the need to study the formation of water resources in certain
areas. Here for the first time ever we studied both annual and intra-annual trends of changes in
maximum precipitation and flow of the upper and middle Dniester tributaries. We expressed statis
tical significance of the trends by the Mann-Kendall test and the trend index calculation.
When considering annual maximum precipitation and flow during the entire observation
period (1961-2010), there were statistically significant increases in the maximum discharge only of
the upper Dniester observed, while in most of the left tributaries of the middle Dniester, the maxi
mum discharge reduced.
When considering the intra-annual changes, we divided the year into intra-annual intervals
the boundaries of which were determined according to the changes in the conditions for formation
of the maximum flow in the catchment area. The definition of trends within these intervals allowed
revealing the tendencies of the decrease in maximum precipitation in the winter and spring seasons
and an increase in the autumn period, especially in the mountainous part (right-bank) of the catch
When considering the intra-annual changes to maximum flow, we found a positive trend in
the winter period and negative in the spring period. In the autumn period, the most significant in
crease in the maximum discharge occurred in all the rivers of the Dniester Basin, caused by an in
crease in the amount and intensity of precipitation during this season.
The results of the research should be used in the water industry in Ukraine (operation of hy
dropower facilities) and in the organization of flood prevention activities.
Глобальные изменения климата обуславливает необходимость изучения формирова-
ние водных ресурсов определенных территорий.
При рассмотрении годовых максимумов осадков и стока за весь период наблюдений
(1961-2010 гг.) выявлены статистически значимые повышения максимальных расходов
только верхней части Днестра, а на большинстве левых притоков среднего Днестра сни-
жение максимальных расходов.
Анализ внутригодовых изменений показал трансформации в распределении макси-
мальных осадков и максимального стока. В осенний период происходил наиболее значимый
рост максимальных расходов на всех реках бассейна.
Результаты исследований необходимо использовать в водном хозяйстве Украины
(режимов работы гидроэнергетических объектов) и для организации мероприятий по пре-
дупреждению наводнений.