Simulation technologies in the strategic management of advertising processes of pharmaceutical enterprises

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dc.contributor.author Kapustyan, Iryna
dc.contributor.author Sokolovska, Zoya
dc.contributor.author Frolova, Larysa
dc.contributor.author Соколовська, Зоя Миколаївна
dc.contributor.author Соколовская, Зоя Николаевна
dc.contributor.author Капустян, Ірина Володимирівна
dc.contributor.author Капустян, Ирина Владимировна
dc.contributor.author Фролова, Лариса Володимирівна
dc.contributor.author Фролова, Лариса Владимировна
dc.date.accessioned 2019-11-11T08:41:48Z
dc.date.available 2019-11-11T08:41:48Z
dc.date.issued 2019-09
dc.identifier.citation Sokolovska, Z., Frolova, L., Kapustyan, I. (2019). Simulation technologies in the strategic management of advertising processes of pharmaceutical enterprises. Modern Science – Moderní věda, Prague, N 4, p. 22–37 en
dc.identifier.citation Sokolovska, Z.Simulation technologies in the strategic management of advertising processes of pharmaceutical enterprises / Z. Sokolovska, L. Frolova, I. Kapustyan // Modern Science – Moderní věda. – Prague, 2019. – N 4. – P. 22–37 en
dc.identifier.issn 2336-498X
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.opu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/9219
dc.description.abstract The development of modern information and communication technologies contributes to the improvement of advertising strategies, as effective tools of pharmaceutical marketing. The feasibility of attracting methods of simulation as tools of making strategic advertising decisions is substantiated. The simulation model-simulator is proposed, developed using the combination of agent and system-dynamic approaches on the AnyLogic software platform. The decision-making process is illustrated by the results of various types of simulation experiments. en
dc.language.iso en_US en
dc.publisher Česká republika, Nemoros en
dc.subject advertising strategy, pharmaceutical enterprise, simulation modeling, model-simulator, simulation experiments en
dc.title Simulation technologies in the strategic management of advertising processes of pharmaceutical enterprises en
dc.title.alternative Імітаційні технології в стратегічному управлінні рекламними процесами фармацевтичних підприємств en
dc.type Article en
opu.kafedra Кафедра економічної кібернетики та інформаційних технологій uk
opu.citation.journal Modern Science Moderní věda en
opu.citation.firstpage 22 en
opu.citation.lastpage 37 en
opu.citation.issue 4 en

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