Розвиток територій та реального сектору економіки регіонів, представлено як системний процес якісних змін, що передбачає уміння створити ефективну систему управління та інноваційний підхід до розвитку сучасного регіону. Доведено, що регіон як керована і керуюча система безпосередньо пов'язана з адміністративно-територіальним поділом України. Показано, що децентралізація влади є ефективним знаряддям економічного розвитку завдяки зусиллям незалежності місцевого самоврядування та підвищення його активності, зміцненню демократії на місцях. Змістовно досліджено структуру та властивості регіональної економіки, показано доцільність креативного підходу до формування сучасних територій розвитку в Україні на основі започаткування регіональних студій.
Развитие территорий и реального сектора экономики регионов представлены как системный процесс качественных изменений, который предполагает умение создать эффективную систему управления и инновационный подход к развитию современного региона. Доказано, что регион как управляемая и управляющая система непосредственно связана с административно-территориальным разделом Украины. Показано, что децентрализация власти является эффективным инструментом экономического развития благодаря усилиям независимого местного самоуправления и повышением его активности, укреплению демократии на местах. Критически переосмыслено структуру и свойства региональной экономики и показана целесообразность креативного подхода к формированию современных территорий развития в Украине на основе основания региональных студий.
In that work has been shown that the decentralization of power is an effective instrument of economic developmen through the efforts of the independence of local self-government and increase its activity, strengthening of democracy on the ground. The structure and properties of the regional economy and the specificity of the creative approach to the formation of modern areas of development in Ukraine on the basis of the launch of regional studies have been substantially studied. It is shown that the concept of a knowledge economy is the basis for the involvement of regional studios in the economic practice of preserving and developing the modern regions of Ukraine and their mentality. The development of the territories and the real sector of the region's economy is presented as a systemic process of qualitative change, which involves the ability to create an effective management system and innovative approach to the development of the modern region. It is proved that the region as a managed and control system is directly related to the administrative-territorial division of Ukraine. It is noted that modern regional development and the implementation of the decentralization process provide for the availability of mechanisms that will achieve effective interaction of all levels of government and ensure its balance. This is the denationalization of property, the consolidation by the territorial communities of the relevant communal property with the guarantee of its full use, the formation of regional and local budgets, the system of optimal taxation and intergovernmental relations, and the organization of effective control over the activities of public authorities. Analytical studies have shown that the administrative-territorial reform requires an active scientific search for modern mechanisms for the effective functioning of the regions of Ukraine. A special condition of this process is the preservation of the mental (in the broad sense) of the specificity and identity of a certain territory, since regions are predominantly formed on the basis of economic feasibility, combining territories with similar economic structures that may not coincide with the cultural or ethnic specificity of a particular territory; accordingly, a certain linguistic, ethnic or cultural group can be divided between several regions, or vice versa – within a single region there may be several groups with different cultural characteristics. Proceeding from such positions, it is suggested to introduce in the scientific practice the definition of "regional studios", which provides for a certain creativity of actions in an organic combination with constant training and improvement. It is determined that regional studios are a complex category, a term that corresponds to the study and monitoring of processes taking place in the region: historical, cultural, cultural and ethical, socio-economic, political, economic-geographical, ecological and natural sciences, etc. In the general sense, such an approach is associated with the work of a broad-based analyst, which envisages, among other things, work on developing strategies for socio-economic development, forecasting regional budgets, marketing of territories, etc. It is logical to take into account in this area the activities of professional lobbyists of different levels. An important component of research in the direction of the development of regional economic studies is the formation of mechanisms for improving the competitiveness of regions in the international, social, environmental, economic, etc. spheres.