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Название: Conflict Dynamic Model Of Innovative Development In The System Of Ensuring The Competitiveness Of An Enterprises
Авторы: Zamlynskyi, Victor
Stanislavyk, Olena
Halytskyi, Oleksandr
Korzh, Maryna
Reznik, Nadiia
Замлинський, Віктор Анатолійович
Замлинский, Виктор Анатольевич
Станіславик, Олена
Станиславик, Елена
Галицький, Олександр
Галицкий, Александр
Корж, Марина
Резнік, Надія
Резник, Надежда
Ключевые слова: Conflict Sources,Conflict Management Strategies, Project Management, Stakeholders, Team Conflict Dynamics Model.
Дата публикации: 2-Фев-2020
Библиографическое описание: Zamlynskyi, V. A., Stanislavyk, O. V., Halytskyi, O. M., Korzh, M. V., Reznik, N. P. (2020). Conflict Dynamic Model of Innovative Development in the System of Ensuring the Competitiveness of an Enterprises. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Vol. 9, Iss. 02, February, р. 5322-5325.
Conflict Dynamic Model of Innovative Development in the System of Ensuring the Competitiveness of an Enterprises / V. A. Zamlynskyi, O. V. Stanislavyk, O. M. Halytskyi, M. V. Korzh, N. P. Reznik // International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research. - 2020. - Vol. 9, Iss. 02, february. - P. 5322-5325.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): In every project that involves a team, conflict is imminent. It can come in the form of a conflict of ideas, a conflict of existing resources, or even personal conflicts, among others. The success of any given project is, therefore, strongly dependent on how well the team can address these conflicts, how the team leader can identify the conflicts in the first place, and how this can be useful in mitigating or avoiding the conflicts altogether. One way this can achieve is by the use of specific models, specially designed to address conflict in projects. This study's focus is on the use of the team conflict dynamics model, with a closer look at how useful it is in the analysis of different clash types and team clash profiles. This study will look at how these aspects allow for more comfortable and more efficient production of resolutions which can significantly improve or lead to project success. A blend of both primary and subordinate sources of info will be adopted, allowing for the identification of useful facts and figures concerning the model and its reallife project applications in various scenarios
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://dspace.opu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/10951
ISSN: 2277-8616
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті каф. менеджменту

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