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Название: Invigorating employee’s innovative work behavior: exploring the sequential mediating role of organizational commitment and knowledge sharing
Авторы: Arsawan, I Wayan Edi
Kariati, Ni Made
Shchokina, Yevheniia
Prayustika, Putu Adriani
RustiarinI, Ni Wayan
Koval, Viktor
Щокіна, Олена Петрівна
Арсаван, Я Ваян Еді
Каріати, Ні Маде
Праюстика, Путу Адріані
Рустіаріні, Ні Ваян
Коваль, Віктор
Ключевые слова: innovative work behavior
transformational leadership
knowledge sharing
organizational commitment
Дата публикации: 2022
Издательство: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Библиографическое описание: Arsawan, I Wayan Edi. Invigorating employee’s innovative work behavior: exploring the sequential mediating role of organizational commitment and knowledge sharing / I Wayan Edi Arsawan, Ni Made Kariati, Yevheniia Shchokina, Putu Adriani Prayustika, Ni Wayan RustiarinI, Viktor Koval // Business: Theory and Practice. 2022 Vol. 23. № 1. P. 117–130.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Current research paper aimed to investigate determinants of employee’s innovative work behavior in export SMEs. The general problem in some export SMEs was a lack of knowledge implementation and employee innovation to provide problem-solving. It employed a quantitative method with administered questionnaires distributed to 177 employees of the exporting SMEs. The research data were evaluated using SmartPLS 3.2.7. The result shows that transformational leadership was notably associated to organizational commitment, knowledge sharing, as well as innovative work behavior. Also, organizational commitment and knowledge sharing are double mediators between transformational leadership and innovative work behavior. There are some limitations of this research paper, such as the bias effects of using a self-assessment report. The possible implication is that managers need to understand the relationship between variables, particularly mediating mechanisms, to provide insightful information for enhancing positive leadership performance and innovation capability – the originality point toward a mediating linkage of transformational leadership and innovative work behavior. The research paper enrich to a body of knowledge where innovative work behavior was influenced by leadership style and behavior and predictors of organizational behavior.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://doi.org/10.3846/btp.2022.15684
ISSN: 1648-0627
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті каф. КФК

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