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Название: Application of Numerical Methods for Research of Construction Design of Fastener Fractures
Авторы: Kolomiets, Leonid
Aniskin, Aleksej
Orobey, Victor
Daschenko, Alexander
Lymarenko, Alexander
Boriak, Kostiantyn
Ключевые слова: boundary element method
finite element method
orthopedic constructions
stress-strain state
Дата публикации: 2021
Библиографическое описание: Kolomiets L. Application of Numerical Methods for Research of Construction Design of Fastener Fractures / L. Kolomiets, A. Aniskin, V. Orobey, A. Daschenko, A. Lymarenko, K. Boriak // TEHNICKI GLASNIK 15, (2), 2021. - 178-183..
Краткий осмотр (реферат): : The work uses modern numerical methods of mechanics of a deformable solid to analyze the stress-strain state of orthopedic structures in order to improve them and improve the quality of treatment of patients. Among the many numerical methods, the attention of the authors was drawn to the finite element method and to the numerical and analytical method of boundary elements in the author's edition. Settlement models of both metal apparatuses and parts of a person’s arm with a fracture are constructed. The stress – strain state in various zones of the biomechanical system was calculated. It is shown that the numerical-analytical method of boundary elements allows obtaining more accurate results with fewer equations in the resolution system. It is noted that in the case of the considered biomechanical systems, its elements undergo tension – compression, shear, torsion, and bending. To consider them, solutions are presented for Cauchy problems, which are included in the general system of resolving equations of the MGE. It is shown that, unlike the FEM, the MGE simplifies the algorithm for calculating biomechanical systems. Comparison with the FEM results shows their good agreement, which proves the reliability of the calculation results of both methods.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://dspace.opu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/14949
ISSN: 1846-6168
Располагается в коллекциях:2021

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