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Название: Чипирование как метод контроля сознания человека
Авторы: Філіпов, Олег Анатолійович
Филипов, Олег Анатольевич
Filipov, Oleh
Ключевые слова: ethics, chipping, deep stimulation of the brain, control of human
Дата публикации: 2017
Издательство: ОНПУ
Библиографическое описание: Филиппов, О. Чипирование как метод контроля сознания человека / О. Филиппов // Філософія та гуманізм. - 2017. - Вип. 1 (5). - С. 78-86.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): THE CHIPING AS A METHOD OF CONTROL OF MANKIND CONSCIOUSNESS The work examines the technology of global chipping from the point of view of its validity, expediency, and also as a powerful, but rather hidden tool of influence on a person's consciousness. The emphasis is primarily on how this technology will change the structure of society. The conducted research allowed to answer a number of important questions concerning global chipping. Among them is the question of the possibility of introducing remote control over crime using chips, to what extent this control can be implemented and how much it can be useful to society; the question of the possibility of improving physical health indicators by introducing special neurostimulants into the human brain; the question of the possible "totalitarianization of society" with the help of chipping – who will be able to conduct global chipping of the entire population of our planet, and to whom it may be profitable. In the course of the study, an answer was also given to the question of how much one can control a person with the help of chips; and whether global chipping will be a repetition of the experience of eugenics, when in an effort to build an "ideal person" the rights and freedoms of individual people are frankly infringed.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://dspace.opu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/7286
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті каф. ФМН
Випуск 5, 2017:

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