Просмотр по автору "c7c58253-9717-42c1-a096-72467a7e128c"

Просмотр по автору "c7c58253-9717-42c1-a096-72467a7e128c"

Отсортировать по: Порядку: Результаты:

  • Rekova, Nataliia; Dolozina, Iryna; Nitsenko, Vitalii; Zamlynskyi, Victor; Zaitsev, Yurii; Замлинський, Виктор Анатольевич (The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Faculty of Administration and Public Management and the International Centre for Public Management, 2018-05-28)
    Indicators of the central government budgets were analysed in the article with use of calculation of shares of various categories and subcategories of revenues for the purpose of identification of structural features and ...