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Просмотр по названию

Отсортировать по: Порядку: Результаты:

  • Kostyk, K . O .; Kostyk, V . O .; Костик, К . О .; Костик, В . О . (Odessa Polytechnic University, 2015)
    The problem of improving the operational reliability of machines is becoming increasingly important due to the increased mechanical, therma l and other loads on the details. There are many surface ...
  • Русов, Віталій Данилович; Тарасов, Віктор Олексійович; Чернеженко, Сергій Анатолійович; Какєв, Андрій; Смоляр, Володимир Павлович; Rusov, V. D.; Tarasov, V. A.; Chernezhenko, S. A.; Kakaev, A. A.; Smolyar, V. P. (Springer, 2017-09-13)
    In this paper we present the analytical expression for the neutron scattering law for an isotropic source of neutrons, obtained within the framework of the gas model with the temperature of the moderating medium as a ...
  • Tarasov, V. A.; Chernezhenko, S. A.; Kakaev, A. A.; Urbanevich, V. V.; Тарасов, В. О.; Чернеженко, С. А.; Какаев, А. О.; Урбаневич, В. В. (Odessa Politechnic University, 2017)
    In this paper, in the framework of the gas model, based on the solution of the kinematic problem of the neutron elastic scattering on the nucleus in the “L” system in the general case, that is, when prior to the scattering ...
  • Kobozeva, Alla;; Grigorenko, Svitlana; Кобозєва, Алла Анатоліївна; Григоренко, Світлана Миколаївна; Кобозева, Алла Анатольевна; Григоренко, Светлана Николаевна (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    The problem of detection of the digital image falsification results performed by cloning is considered – one of the most often used program tools implemented in all modern graphic editors. Aim : The aim of the ...
  • Chukurna, Olena; Чукурна, Олена Павлівна (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016-04)
    The article analyzes the problem of accounting for logistics costs in the financial statements of the industrial enterprises. It is proposed to revise the traditional methods of accounting logistics costs provided for in ...
  • Melentiev, R . Yu .; Мелентьєв, Р . Ю . (Odessa Polytechnic University, 2015)
    The author explores the drilling operation of some new engineering materials such as car bon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) and othe r polymers that have an anisotropic stru cture, high- strength ...
  • Potiienko, O.S.; Merkotan, K.K.; Chudak, N.O.; Ptashynskyy, D.A.; Zelentsova, T.M.; Yushkevich, T.V.; Sharph, I.V.; Rusov, V.D. (American Physical Society, 2020-04-24)
    We consider an inelastic scattering of protons within the simplest real scalar model φ3 (phi-cubed). Although this model has been studied for a very long time, the problem of accounting for the interference contributions ...
  • Ponomarenko, Olga; Yevtushenko, Natalya; Lysenko, Tatiana; Solonenko, Liudmyla; Shynsky, Vladimir (This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019-06)
    Here the description of the possibility of processing technogenic waste polystyrene in binder materials for foundry is provided. The possibility of dissolving polystyrene foam in acetone. Regardless of the amount of ...
  • Osoba, Dmitry; Особа, Дмитро Олександрович; Особа, Дмитрий Александрович; Larshin, Vasily; Ларшин, Василь Петрович; Ларшин, Василий Петрович (Одеса: [б. в.], 2021)
    У статті розроблено методика і прилад для пошарового неруйнівного контролю фізико-механічного стану поверхневого шару шліфованих сталевих деталей на основі використання поля вихрових струмів, порушуваних накладним ...
  • Afanasiev, Oleksandr; Chukurna, Olena; Zamlynskyi, Viktor (Vysoká škola bezpečnostného manažérstva v Košiciach, 2023)
    The monograph investigates the problem of differentiation of fiction and nonfiction literature: the basic principles of differentiation, the accuracy of the fact, the degree of acceptability and attractiveness of artistic ...
  • Mazurkov, M. I.; Sokolov, A. V.; Мазурков, Михаил Иванович; Соколов, Артем Викторович (2014-06)
    The full class of irreducible polynomials f(z) of eight degree over all isomorphic representations of Galois field GF(256) is constructed. The set of optimal pairs {f(z), A}, where A is nonsingular affine transformation ...
  • Thi Khanh Tien Nguyen; Тхі Кхань Тієн Нгуєн; Тхи Кхань Тиен Нгуен; Antoshchuk, Svitlana; Антощук, Світлана Григорівна; Антощук, Светлана Григорьевна; Nikolenko, Anatoly; Ніколенко, Анатолій Олександрович; Николенко, Анатолий Александрович; Kim Thanh Tran; Кім Тхан Тран; Ким Тхан Тран; Babilunha, Oksana; Бабілунга, Оксана Юріївна; Бабилунга, Оксана Юрьевна (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2019-11-30)
    The main goal of non-stationary time series prediction is the construction, identification, configuration and verification of their models. The efficiency of using machine learning technologies for the analysis of ...
  • Mazurkov, M. I.; Sokolov, A. V.; Мазурков, Михаил Иванович; Соколов, Артем Викторович (2013-09)
    A design technique based on the composite power residue codes has been proposed for building new constructions of nonlinear substitution S-boxes of length N = 256 and volume |S| = 8.6248×10^13. The synthesized constructions ...
  • Mazurkov, M. I.; Sokolov, A. V.; Мазурков, Михаил Иванович; Соколов, Артем Викторович (2013-11)
    A complete class of maximum-period linear recurrent sequences (MLRS) of volume ψ = 55,296 based on all automorphic and isomorphic representations of the main GF(256) field has been built. Constructions of S-boxes based on ...
  • Lishchenko, Natalia; Ліщенко, Наталя Володимирівна; Лищенко, Наталия Владимировна; Ryabenkov, I. А.; Рябенков, І. А.; Рябенков, И. А.; Larshin, Vasily; Ларшин, Василь Петрович; Ларшин, Василий Петрович (Харьков: Изд-во НТУ "ХПИ", 2015)
    Розроблено метод суперпозиції для отримання математичної моделі температури переривчастого і високопористого шліфування. Це дозволило отримати умови для визначення постійної часу і оцінити час перехідного процесу, ...
  • Трофіменко, Михайло Юрійович; Асланов, Сергій Костянтинович; Драган, Григорій Сильвестрович; Смоляр, Володимир Павлович; TROFIMENKO, M. YU.; ASLANOV, S. K.; DRAGAN, G. S.; SMOLYAR, V. P. (НАН України, 2017-03)
    We study the burning of an open flame of hydrocarbon fuel in the air atmosphere and introduce a method of the flame speed normal component determination for a selected local diametrical slice. A distribution of the obtained ...
  • Nikulshin, Vladimir; Denisowa, Ałła; Melnik, Sergiy (2018-04-01)
    Nowoczesna analiza termodynamiczna na grafach przepływu egzergetycznego
  • Mikhaylovskiy, D. V.; Matyuschenko, D. M.; Михайловський., Д.В.; Матющенко, Д.М. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    One of the most common types of structures made of glulam beams is curved frames. A lot of industrial plants and public build ings are built using curved frames. The using of such frames in buildings with an aggressive ...
  • Surkov, S.i; Hanem Hussam; Kravchenko, V. (2019)
    The article is devoted to solving a practical problem: the choice of equipment for pre-treatment of salt water that feeds the desalination plant. The preliminary stage of desalination is the purification of water from sand ...
  • Babich, S. V.; Бабіч, С. В.; Davydov, V. O.; Давидов, В. О. (Odessa Polytechnic University, 2015)
    Modern heat supply systems in urban areas have the potential to heat suppl y cost reduction when using various alternative thermal energy sources. Availability of possible alte rnatives allows to select the ...