Ця стаття присвячена дослідженню економічних методів управління соціальним
часом: дається визначення економічних методів управління соціальним часом,
розглядаються ті методи, що активно використовуються у наші часи та їх
позитивні та негативні наслідки.
This article is devoted to the study of economic methods of social time management: the
definition of economic methods of social time management is given; those methods that are
actively used in our time and their positive and negative consequences are considered.
The leading regularity of the development of social time is its acceleration (compaction),
caused by the development of productive abilities of people.
According to the results of modern research, the following tendencies are distinguished
within the framework of globalization: globalization leads to the “compaction” of space and time,
the compression of the world, therefore the deterritorialization of social space occurs, the spread
beyond territorial forms of social activity; increasing social and economic interconnection;
acceleration of social time. Modern notions of "time" so that they say that "time" can not only be
measured, but also changed, that is, to cycle, rhythm, accelerate, slow down, and even stop
A form of realization of society as a concrete level of being in the world is social time.
Analysis of the social and philosophical category "social time" allows to conclude that all
measures, methods and so on that allow the individual to realize the actual meanings and goals of
modern social life (objective and subjective dimension) in those periods, rhythms, intervals that,
in turn, are also dictated by contemporary social ideals and will be methods of managing social
Thus, in modern society, time acquires the character of independent capital and
commodity. It becomes an objective value that can be used either to raise capital or to meet new
needs. Therefore, social time is a time in which human activity creates a society. It is
characterized by the possibility of acceleration or deceleration depending on the frequency of
events. Economic methods of managing social time - loans, virtualization of jobs, ideas about
leisure. In the future, it is necessary to carefully examine the economic methods of managing
social time, because, as life practice shows, they generate risks that should be known to the
individual who intends to take advantage of them.