Просмотр 2021, Vol. 4, № 3 по дате публикации

Просмотр 2021, Vol. 4, № 3 по дате публикации

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  • Progonov, Dmytro; Прогонов, Дмитро Олександрович; Прогонов, Дмитрий Александрович (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2021-10-15)
    Counteraction to sensitive data leakage in cyber-physical systems is topical task today. Solving of the task is complicated to widely usage by attackers of novel steganographic methods for sensitive data embedding into ...
  • Berezsky, Oleh; Березький, Олег Миколайович; Березкий, Олег Николаевич; Liashchynskyi, Petro; Лящинський, Петро Борисович; Лящинский, Петр Борисович (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2021-10-15)
    The article analyzes and compares the architectures of generative adversarial networks. These networks are based on convolutional neural networks that are widely used for classification problems. Convolutional networks ...
  • Mazurok, Igor; Мазурок, Ігор Євгенійович; Мазурок, Игорь Евгеньевич; Leonchyk, Yevhen; Леончик, Євген Юрійович; Леончик, Евгений Юрьевич; Antonenko, Oleksandr; Антоненко, Олександр Сергійович; Антоненко, Александр Сергеевич; Volkov, Kyrylo; Волков, Кирило Сергійович; Волков, Кирилл Сергеевич (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2021-10-15)
    Nowadays, Decentralized Networks based on Blockchain technology are actively researched. A special place in these researches is occupied by Smart Contracts that are widely used in many areas, such as Decentralized Finance ...
  • Smorodin, Andrii; Смородін, Андрій В’ячеславович; Смородин, Андрей Вячеславович (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2021-10-15)
    The paper shows the importance of reducing the neural networks’ training time at present stage and the role of new optimization methods in neural networks’ training. The paper researches a modification of stochastic ...
  • Sivokobylenko, Vitaliy; Сивокобиленко, Віталій Федорович; Сивокобыленко, Виталий Федорович; Nikiforov, Andrey; Нікіфоров, Андрій Петрович; Никифоров, Андрей Петрович; Zhuravlov, Ivan; Журавльов, Іван Вадимович; Журавлев, Иван Вадимович (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2021-10-15)
    A method for constructing a semantic S-detector for the senior hierarchical level of pattern recognition in dynamic objects is proposed. The S-detection method is based on a uniform synthesis of all hierarchically subordinate ...
  • Derevyanko, Georgy; Дерев’янко, Георгій Васильович; Деревянко, Георгий Васильевич; Mescheryakov, Vladimir; Мещеряков, Володимир Іванович; Мещеряков, Владимир Иванович (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2021-10-15)
    lytical model of a bypass for two heat exchange elements in the form of a relationship between the temperature ratio differences of flows and efficiency has been developed. The resulting expression for the efficiency of ...