Напрямки державного управління в сфері економіки

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dc.contributor.author Марущак, Володимир Петрович
dc.contributor.author Марущак, Владимир Петрович
dc.contributor.author Мarushchak, Volodymyr
dc.date.accessioned 2022-01-14T10:29:19Z
dc.date.available 2022-01-14T10:29:19Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.citation Марущак, В. П. Напрямки державного управління в сфері економіки / В. П. Марущак // Акт. проблеми держ. упр. : зб. наук. пр. Одес. регіон. ін-ту держ. упр. - Одеса , 2021. - Вип. 3 (84). - С. 131-135. uk
dc.identifier.other А 43 УДК 35(477)(08)
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.opu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/12111
dc.description.abstract Стаття розглядає напрямки впливу державного управління на економіку у правовому полі на основі інноваційних складових в процесі розробки та прийняття управлінських рішень, що дає можливість надати йому ефективності в державному регулюванні ринкових відносин. en
dc.description.abstract The article considers the directions of influence of public administration on the economy in the legal field on the basis of innovative components in the process of development and management decisions, which allows to give it efficiency in state regulation of market relations. Modern economic processes significantly affect social relations. Traditional approaches to the regulation of financial and economic activities have exhausted themselves, leading to significant shocks to socioeconomic life. This, in turn, requires the state to take measures to stabilize the economy. This task rests entirely with public administration, which should increase the effectiveness of its actions in the economic sphere. Innovative approaches to public administration have a significant potential in this direction, which makes it possible to bring state regulation of economic processes to a qualitatively new level. Research on this issue in the field of law and public administration is currently insufficient. At the same time, the problem of improving the efficiency of public administration and its impact on economic development remains insufficiently studied. The purpose of this article is to reveal the content of the influence of public administration on the regulation of the economy and to determine the strengthening of the role of management in the regulation of economic processes.Mandatory planning assumes that the parties act as socially equal partners. In the relationship, the interests of the parties are combined through their agreement. Therefore, the basis of their relationship is a planning agreement, where the subject is not the transfer of property to another person, donations, etc., and the implementation of the planned task or targets. But in this case, a consensus is reached between the interests of the state and the business entity. On the one hand, the state (or its body) by contract gives legal effect to their actions, making them binding but agreed, and on the other hand, the planning agreement, protects the business entity from the arbitrariness of the state. Therefore, it is a question of formation of the market of planning where the parties can offer the economic activity in certain parameters of the functioning. One of the options for improving state regulation of socio-economic processes is economic adjustment. Economic adjustment does not involve a sharp change in government regulation. As a means of influence, it offers a search for bottlenecks in the economy. The weak link is subject to change, but not in itself, but in connection with other adjacent elements. Once the weak element begins to function more or less normally, the element that has the most negative impact on the economy is adjusted. And so gradually throughout the chain. As a result, the whole mechanism begins to work more or less harmoniously. en
dc.language.iso uk en
dc.publisher Одеса: ОРІДУ НАДУ en
dc.subject економіка en
dc.subject державні органи en
dc.subject право en
dc.subject стратегічне управління en
dc.subject управлінське рішення en
dc.subject державне управління en
dc.subject економічне налагодження en
dc.subject economic adjustment en
dc.subject economy en
dc.subject strategic management en
dc.subject administrative decision en
dc.subject law en
dc.subject state bodies. en
dc.subject public administration en
dc.title Напрямки державного управління в сфері економіки en
dc.title.alternative Directions of Public Administration in the Field of Economy en
dc.type Professional article en
opu.kafedra Кафедра міжнародних відносин та права = Кафедра правознавства uk
opu.citation.firstpage 131 en
opu.citation.lastpage 135 en
opu.citation.issue № 3 (84) en
opu.staff.id v.p.marushchak@op.edu.ua en

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