Стаття присвячена дослідженню сучасного стану інформаційної сфери на тлі загострення інформаційних
конфліктів, одним із чинників поширення яких є розповсюдження короновірусної інфекції та самоізоляція населення.
Introduction. The spread of coronavirus infection has posed new challenges not only to the search for new vaccines, but also created new barriers, primarily through border closures and self-isolation.
Against the background of a global pandemic and due to the restriction of the usual communication between family, friends and partners, humanity gradually began to lose its usual guidelines, including critical thinking, giving rise to a significant number of conspiracy theories, myths and fakes.
Originality. To date, no separate studies have been conducted to address the growing influence of the information sphere on society and the escalation of information conflicts in the context of Covid-19.
At the same time, timely analysis of the detection and study of the information sphere, including information conflicts, will allow to take preventive measures to prevent them.
Purpose. The aim of the article is to study the current state of the information sphere against the background of escalating information conflicts, one of the factors of which is the global pandemic and self-isolation of the population.
Results. Thus, our study of the current state of the information sphere against the background of escalating information conflicts, one of the factors of which is the global pandemic and self-isolation of the population allowed us to conclude that during Covid-19 in Ukraine were used as traditional sources of information, radio, etc.) and Internet resources.
At the same time, in the Internet environment, the greatest demand during the pandemic was enjoyed by social networks, the number of users of which increased by 20 %.
Regarding the thematic content of informational TV and Internet content, there was an increase in demand for information and entertainment content.
At the same time, based on the results of a survey conducted by the Razumkov Center, Ukrainians show a low level of criticism in relation to the information received.
Which requires additional measures by the state (in particular, the education system) and the introduction of curricula at all levels of cybersecurity.
A negative trend in the use of social networks during the pandemic was the spread of a significant number of «fakes» that cause panic and contain inaccurate information, including calls for protests against epidemiological measures. In order to combat the spread of «fakes», in addition to legal methods and means of struggle, it is advisable to use the opportunities of non-governmental organizations, volunteer movements, etc.
Conclusion. Thus, in order to combat the spread of «fakes», in addition to legal methods and means of struggle, it is advisable to use the opportunities of non-governmental organizations, volunteer movements, etc.
At local public authorities, launch training courses to strengthen the resilience of citizens against the destabilizing effects of false information by increasing the ability of citizens to establish the reliability of their sources of information and news and increase public demand for truthful information.