International Law in the Globalization of International Relations

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dc.contributor.author Babina, Valentуna
dc.contributor.author Бабіна, Валентина Олександрівна
dc.contributor.author Бабина, Валентина Александровна
dc.contributor.author Kudlaу, Irina
dc.contributor.author Кудлай, Ірина Володимирівна
dc.contributor.author Кудлай, Ирина Владимировна
dc.contributor.author Myrhorodska, Olena
dc.contributor.author Миргородська, Олена Олексіївна
dc.contributor.author Миргородская, Алена Алексеевна
dc.date.accessioned 2022-01-15T15:04:47Z
dc.date.available 2022-01-15T15:04:47Z
dc.date.issued 2021-07
dc.identifier.citation Babina, V. O., Kudlay, I. V., Myrhorodska, O. O. (2021). International Law in the Globalization of International Relations. Legal Science, Legislation and Law Enforcement: Traditions and New European Approaches, International scientific and practical conference, July 9–10, 2021, Cuiavian University in Wloclawek, Wloclawek, 2021, p. 175–178. en
dc.identifier.citation Babina, V. O. International Law in the Globalization of International Relations / V. O. Babina, I. V. Kudlay, O. O. Myrhorodska // Legal Science, Legislation and Law Enforcement: Traditions and New European Approaches : International scientific and practical conference, July 9–10, 2021 / Cuiavian University in Wloclawek. – Wloclawek, 2021. – P. 175–178. en
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9934-26-116-9
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.opu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/12122
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Wloclawek, Republic of Poland en
dc.title International Law in the Globalization of International Relations en
dc.title.alternative Міжнародне право в глобалізації міжнародних відносин en
dc.title.alternative Международное право в глобализации международных отношений en
dc.type Conference proceedings en
opu.kafedra Кафедра міжнародних відносин та права = Кафедра правознавства uk
opu.citation.firstpage 175 en
opu.citation.lastpage 178 en
opu.citation.conference Legal Science, Legislation and Law Enforcement: Traditions and New European Approaches en
opu.staff.id kiv@op.edu.ua en
opu.staff.id ona2009@ukr.net en
opu.conference.dates July 9–10, 2021. en

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