Marketing Tools to Increase Regional Investment Attractiveness

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dc.contributor.author Danylyshyn, Bohdan
dc.contributor.author Bondarenko, Olena
dc.contributor.author Gudz, Maryna
dc.contributor.author Ptashchеnko, Olеna
dc.contributor.author Mohylova, Anastasiia
dc.contributor.author Radkevych, Larysa
dc.contributor.author Радкевич, Лариса Альбертівна
dc.date.accessioned 2023-09-28T09:15:07Z
dc.date.available 2023-09-28T09:15:07Z
dc.date.issued 2023
dc.identifier.citation Marketing Tools to Increase Regional Investment Attractiveness / B. Danylyshyn O. Bondarenko, M. Gudz, O. Ptashchеnko, A. Mohylova, L. Radkevych // Review of Economics and Finance. - 2023. - № 21. - P. 1101-1108. en
dc.identifier.uri https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2023.21.122
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.opu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/14079
dc.description.abstract This article examines the use of marketing tools to increase the investment attractiveness of regions in today's globalized world. Hypotheses are proposed that different marketing tools can affect a region's investment attractiveness in various ways. Using these tools can significantly improve a region's image, reputation, and visibility among potential investors. The study employed the method of expert assessments, statistical analysis, and Response Surface Analysis to analyze the impact of marketing tools on the investment levels in the Kyiv region in 2020. By using linear regression to analyze the data, the authors could identify which marketing tools had the most substantial impact on investment levels and make predictions about how changes in marketing strategies could affect investment levels in the future. Overall, using linear regression in this study allowed for a quantitative analysis of the relationship between marketing tools and investment levels, providing valuable insights for policymakers and businesses looking to increase regional investment attractiveness. The authors developed an algorithm to calculate the synergistic effect using the Marketing Mix Model (MMM) and adapted the Response Surface Analysis (RSA) formula to analyze the synergistic effect of four marketing tools. The findings suggest that using multiple marketing tools in combination can significantly positively impact a region's investment attractiveness, and RSA can be a valuable tool for identifying the optimal combination of marketing tools to achieve the most significant impact. en
dc.language.iso en_US en
dc.publisher REF Press en
dc.subject Delphi method en
dc.subject synergistic effect en
dc.subject Response Surface Analysis (RSA) en
dc.subject regional ivestment attractiveness en
dc.subject marketing tools en
dc.subject marketing mix modelling (MMM) en
dc.subject linear regression en
dc.subject increasing en
dc.title Marketing Tools to Increase Regional Investment Attractiveness en
dc.type Article in Scopus en
opu.citation.journal Review of Economics and Finance en
opu.citation.firstpage 1101 en
opu.citation.lastpage 1108 en
opu.citation.issue 21 en
opu.staff.id l.a.radkevich@op.edu.ua en

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