В работе показано, что энергоэффективный реинжиниринг корпоративной ком-пьютерной сети выполняется за несколько этапов. На каждом этапе реинжиниринг выполняется для некоторого фрагмента сети. Для оценки эффективности выполнения каждого этапа предло-жены модели для расчета стоимости проведения энергоэффективного реинжиниринга. Предложен метод динамического программирования для построения оптимального плана реинжиниринга кор-поративной компьютерной сети.
Abstract. The paper shows that energy efficient reengineering of a corporate computer network is per-formed in several stages. At each stage, reengineering is performed for a certain fragment of the network taking into account the amount of allocated funds for this phase of network modernization. To assess the ef-fectiveness of each stage in the work model to calculate the cost of implementing an energy-efficient reengi-neering of an arbitrary network fragment and a model for calculating the economic effect of reengineering are proposed. Calculation of the power consumption of the network is carried out at the level of each switch port and network card. The power consumed by the switch port and the network card depends of the channel load to which they are connected. In the work the technology of port and network card load calculation is offered. The technology consists of two stages. At the first stage, using the instrumental measuring tools, the average value of the frame rate per port and network card and the average value of the transmitted frame size are determined. At the second stage, using the queuing theory models, the average frame transfer time is determined. In the models was made the assumption about the simplest flow of requests for servicing frames in the communication channel of the network and the exponential distribution of their service time.
An efficiency indicator is formulated and a dynamic programming method for constructing an optimal reengineering plan for a corporate computer network is proposed. Reengineering of the network is per-formed for several stages and at each stage, using the dynamic programming scheme, the optimal network fragment is selected, which ensures the maximum economic effect from the realized of energy-efficient net-work upgrade.
The proposed method of choosing the optimal plan can be used as a practical tool for network engi-neers in the work on energy-efficient reengineering of corporate computer networks.
В роботі показано, що енергоефективний реінжиніринг корпоративної комп’ютерної мережі виконується за декілька етапі. На кожному етапі реінжиніринг виконується для деякого фрагменту мережі. Для оцінки ефективності виконання кожного етапу запропоновані моделі розра-хунку вартості проведення енергоефективного реінжинірингу. Запропоновано метод динамічного програмування для побудови оптимального плану реінжинірингу корпоративної комп’ютерної ме-режі.