Просмотр Праці Одеського політехнічного університету, №2(52), 2017 по дате публикации

Просмотр Праці Одеського політехнічного університету, №2(52), 2017 по дате публикации

Отсортировать по: Порядку: Результаты:

  • Dorozh, Olha; Дорож, Ольга Анатоліївна; Kovalchuk, Vyacheslav; Ковальчук, В’ячеслав Іванович; Kozlov, Ihor; Козлов, Ігор Леонидович (Odessa Politechnic University, 2017)
    The analysis of the efficiency of the technological chain of a typical installation (device) SVO-6 is performed. Characteristic drawbacks, inherent in combined “evaporation-ion-exchange filtration” systems conditional to ...
  • Pelykh, Serhei; Frolov, М. А.; Nalyvaiko, Artem; Zhou, Huiyu; Пелих, Сергій Миколайович; Фролов, М. О.; Наливайко, Артем Володимирович; Чжоу, Хуійю; Наливайко, Артем Владимирович; Пелих, Сергей Николаевич (Odessa Politechnic University, 2017)
    According to the Strategic Energy Technologies plan, two priorities have been accepted by the European Commission: develop and strengthen energy-efficient systems; increase safety in the use of nuclear energy. The aim of ...
  • Zoteev, Oleg; Зотєєв, Олег Євгенович; Зотеев, Олег Евгениевич (Odessa Politechnic University, 2017)
    There the problems concerning estimation of the reliability of the ship's gas turbine unit by expert methods, as well as finding the level of risk, which accompanies the ship's permission to sail were considered in the ...
  • Mazurok, О. S.; Мазурок, О. С. (Odessa Politechnic University, 2017)
    The article presents results of research (thermal-hydraulic analysis) of initiating events (regulatory regimes), associated with the uncontrolled movement and ejection of control rods that had previously not been considered ...
  • Tarasov, V. A.; Chernezhenko, S. A.; Kakaev, A. A.; Urbanevich, V. V.; Тарасов, В. О.; Чернеженко, С. А.; Какаев, А. О.; Урбаневич, В. В. (Odessa Politechnic University, 2017)
    In this paper, in the framework of the gas model, based on the solution of the kinematic problem of the neutron elastic scattering on the nucleus in the “L” system in the general case, that is, when prior to the scattering ...
  • Orobey, V. F.; Daschenko, О. F.; Lymarenko, О. М.; Оробей, В. Ф.; Дащенко, О. Ф.; Лимаренко, О. М. (Odessa Politechnic University, 2017)
    The procedure of automation of calculation of the strained-deformed state of circular arches is considered in the calculation of bending and tensile-compression deformations concentrated and distributed external loads. ...
  • Komleva, N. О.; Bondarenko, D. D.; Komlevoy, О. М.; Комлева, Н. О.; Бондаренко, Д. Д.; Комлевой, О. М. (Odessa Politechnic University, 2017)
    The task of diagnosis in biomedical research in a number of cases can be solved using a statistical approach. Current research is the possibility of using statistical analysis to diagnose the state of the human respiratory ...
  • Surkov, Sergii V.; Ghanem, Hussam; Сурков, Сергій Володимирович; Ганем, Хуссам (Odessa Politechnic University, 2017)
    Desalination of sea water is becoming more urgent for many regions. In the coming decades water will be used for desalination from various reservoirs of the World Ocean. It is important to determine the operating modes ...