Анотація. У статті розглядаються важливі питання терміновживання в офіційно-діловому та науковому стилях мовлення. На сучасному етапі мовна освіченість державного службовця набуває великого значення в контексті нових завдань, що стоять перед українським суспільством у новому тисячолітті.
Володіння термінологією державної мови за обраним фахом, науковим та офіційно-діловим стилями української мови, новими комп’ютерно-лінгвістичними технологіями, що є основою мовної підготовки держслужбовця – головна умова становлення інтелектуального потенціалу України.
Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются важные вопросы терминоупотребления в официально-деловом и научном стилях речи. На современном этапе языковая образованность государственного служащего имеет огромное значение в контексте новых задач, которые возникают перед украинским обществом в новом тысячелетии.
Владение терминологией государственного языка избранной специальности, официально-деловым и научным стилями украинского языка, новыми компьтерно-лингвистическими технологиями, которые являются основой языковой подготовки госслужащего – главное условие интеллектуального потенциала Украины.
Abstract. The article deals with important issues terminological vocabulary in official business and scientific style of speech. At present public official language education is of great importance in the context of new challenges facing Ukrainian society in the new millennium. The spiritual world of man is inextricably linked with the development of language skills. Intelligent speech establishes ethical conduct, continuous self-improvement and self-expression. The concept of actual speech function (set on contact, mutual understanding, mutual respect) aims at strengthening manners civility, spiritual healing people.
Sometimes frivolous attitude to language learning and linguistic development of their people, to the development process as thinking penetration into the essence of things is largely due to superficial understanding of the nature of language and the construction of one of its functions - communication. It is really important function of language in the era of information and computerization of many spheres of public life. But linguists, psychologists, teachers, cultural studies, philosophers XIX - XX centuries. treat the mother tongue deeper - as treasury entire historical heritage of the people, their way of thinking and feeling. Herder said that "set in motion by small fluctuations in air depends everything that ever men on earth thought it would, and yet did commit." Hayderrer argued that language - is the only way for the individual and for the people to be themselves; it creates a human being; people do not speak the language, and language "speaks" to people and people.
Reform of higher education, its focus on liberalization and humanization of education makes it possible to realize the social order on the formation of linguistic consciousness of students - future professionals from various industries. In principle, this problem is one of the factors in the formation of the individual citizen Ukraine.
Practical Ukrainian language presupposes skills in different types of language: listening, reading, translation, writing that will enable:
a) making posts and chat with Ukrainian language teaching, social, political, scientific, cultural and domestic issues within the program themes;
b) read the original literature by specialty and translate it;
c) to write essays, research reports, abstracts, articles, abstracts, reviews, feedback, make interpretation and translation, etc;
d) learn rules of ethics of business communication (objectively citizen with higher education in the future becomes the leader, the head of various production teams, public authorities), the rules of writing official papers.
Mastering the Ukrainian language and terminology not only increases the linguistic education of students and helps humanize certain areas of public life, but also increases the level of future Ukrainian intellectuals.
The main areas of language training civil servants at all levels are:
a) teaching of terminology and linguistic knowledge, develop scientific style of speech principles;
b) mastering the basics of applied and professional linguistics, linguistic creation of databases, electronic dictionaries and computer-aided translation;
c) the capture of ethics and business communication skills, laying of official papers.
We must also emphasize an integrated approach to language training future civil servants.
The complexity of teaching language skills involves several concurrent sections:
1) Ethics (culture) speech, language intelligence, business communication etiquette;
2) Style: scientific and official business;
3) Genre: essay, report, scientific and technical translation, annotation, application, protocol, memos, letters, etc;
4) types of work: lectures, workshops, seminars, business games and more.
Characteristics terminology state language of the chosen specialty, scientific and official-business style of language, new computer-linguistic technologies that are the basis of language training civil servants - the main condition for the formation of the intellectual potential of Ukraine.
The main tasks of the state is to strengthen the status of Ukrainian as the state language and the full development and expansion of the use of the Ukrainian language in all spheres of public life. It requires us, high school teachers, scientists, together with employees standardization, to develop such regulations that would not only answered the legislation of Ukraine, the current level of science and technology, but would be both understandable and to those who wrote and those who uses them. This can be achieved only if there is no contradictions, inconsistencies and ambiguities in the content of regulations for the use of common terminology in textbooks and reference books, uniform rules of construction, teaching and oformlyannya regulations.