Статтю присвячено проблемі змінності етнічних стереотипів як одному з прикладів конструювання ідентичності. Здійснити подібний аналіз стало можливим завдяки порівнянню результатів двох досліджень – 2006 – 2007 та 2016 – 2017 років, проведених серед одеських студентів. Використовувалися методики проективного малюнку, відкритого запитання та ранжування етнічних груп (шкала Богардуса).
Статья посвящена проблеме изменения этнических стереотипов как одному из примеров конструирования идентичности. Осуществить подобный анализ стало возможным благодаря сравнению результатов двух исследований - 2006 - 2007 и 2016 - 2017 годов, проведенных среди одесских студентов. Использовались методики проективного рисунка, открытого вопросы и ранжирования этнических групп (шкала Богардуса).
The article is devoted to the problem of the variability of ethnic stereotypes as one of the examples of constructing identity. A similar analysis was made possible by comparing the results of two studies - 2006-2007 and 2016-2017 conducted among Odesa students. Methods of projective drawing, open question and ranking of ethnic groups (Bogardus scale) were used. As a result of the research, it became possible to find out that the idea of a "typical Ukrainian" in Odessa students has changed significantly. In particular, we can talk about a significant reduction in the "image of a rural man" in the pictures, which was characteristic of the first of these studies. In addition, the image of a Ukrainian has got rid of negative rice. There was also the disappearance of fat as a marker of self-awareness. Consequently, there was a rapprochement between "the image of a Ukrainian / Ukrainian" and "an image of me". It is worth noting that awareness of oneself as a member of a social, cultural or ethnic group always takes place in opposition to another. The marker of "championship" and "incomprehensibility" to some extent became an image of a Russian. This is evidenced by the appearance in this image of such elements as "bears", "balalaika". An important result is that the image of Ukrainians has become more consistent, unlike the regional images of "Ukrainians of the East" and "Ukrainians of the West".