Проведено експериментальне дослідження асинхронного двигуна мережевого насосу тепломереж потужністю 160 кВт в реальних умовах на діючому об’єкті. Виконано порівняльний аналіз завантаження двигуна при керуванні клапаном та перетворювачем частоти. Визначено економічну доцільність переходу з дросельного на частотне регулювання.
Experimental research of asynchronous motor of a network pump of heating networks with the capacity of 160 kW was carried out. Electrical circuitry for connection of a network pump during tests and a control circuit are resulted. During the experiment measurements of power consumption, current and power factor were performed. Possible options for managing the engine under real-life conditions are considered.
Asynchronous motors with short-circuited rotors are a fairly common element of complex electromechanical and electrical systems thanks to their simplicity and reliability. In the article a comparative analysis of the loading of the asynchronous motor is performed at the control of the choke and frequency converter. It has
been determined that when the water consumption is 35 tons per hour, the required active power is 160 kW at a throttle control and 60 kW in frequency control. Thus, frequency control allows you to reduce the required power of the asynchronous motor by about 60%. This reduces the cost of electricity, which in turn entails a reduction in losses. It has been experimentally proved that the use of an adjustable frequency electric drive allows you to save energy by eliminating unproductive energy costs in throttle valves. The use of frequency converters improves the quality of control of the asynchronous motor. In the energy saving mode, the frequency converter automatically tracks current consumption, calculates the load and reduces the output voltage. Managing frequency converters is more cost effective and financially attractive. This conclusion was made after an analysis of the economic calculation. The payback period was less than a year, and the economic effect of the introduction of about 1413 UAH per shift.
Проведено экспериментальное исследование асинхронного двигателя сетевого
насоса теплосетей мощностью 160 кВт. Выполнен сравнительный анализ загрузки двигателя при управлении клапаном и преобразователем частоты. Определено экономическую целесообразность перехода с дроссельного на частотное регулирование.