The Roman Club, in its anniversary report "On on!", сalled for a new Enlightenment, a
holistic outlook, a planetary civilization, an alternative economy. All this could be expressed by
the formula: we need a new human world. This formula is an alternative: in the current world
with the current outlook, education and education, consumer-oriented economy, ideological and
political confrontation, humanity will die.
A new world must begin with a change in worldview. Worldview is traditionally
explored by philosophy. Therefore, philosophy in these processes comes to the fore. But
philosophy is not alone in carrying out a restructuring of the outlook, because outlook values are
formed by many forms of social consciousness, modes of activity and elements of culture, for
example, religion, art, science, family and school education, and even basic household practice.
All this, like other channels of influence, is largely related to material consumption. The prestige
of a high level of material wealth is formed both in school, in the scientific environment, and
even in the church. Material consumption is served by the economy, which is provided with
appropriate education and training of professionals and consumers.
Many philosophers have criticized consumerism for a long time, but then it was
predominantly moral. Now such an economy is in danger of collapse. To change something we
need new economic models, new strategies of education and upbringing, and they are not
possible without new worldview values.
Most of the world's population does not view the present civilization crisis as a near and
real catastrophe. This is why we need a new Enlightenment, with other estimates, of both the
human mind and the prospects of further being.
In all educational and educational programs it is necessary to introduce the idea of
integrity: holistic world, holistic man, holistic science. After all, all human knowledge today is
made up of non-integrative parts. The ideas of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary strategies
are moving too slowly into the practical realm. The existing system of education and training of
specialists in narrow areas with narrow specific knowledge at its best gives highly qualified
specialists, well prepared for the existing system of production and science. But it is not in
general consistent with the survival strategy of mankind, in particular because of the lack of
integrity of the knowledge obtained.
From all of the above it follows an important conclusion for higher education activities.
It is necessary to form a well-educated person, whose education will fit his special knowledge,
and not vice versa: education should not fit into the special knowledge.