

Отсортировать по: Порядку: Результаты:

  • Скалозубов, Владимир Иванович; Козлов, Игорь Леонидович; Комаров, Юрий Алексеевич; Чулкин, Олег Александрович; Пионтковский, Алексей; Скалозубов, Володимир Іванович; Skalozubov, Volodymyr; Kozlov, Ihor; Козлов, Ігор Леонидович; Комаров, Юрій Олексійович; Komarov, Urii; Піонтковський, Олексій Ігорович,; Piontkovskyi, Oleksii; Чулкін, Олег Олександрович; Сhulkin, Оleg (Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2019-12-02)
    The research presents an analysis of the known results in modeling the maximum design accident (MDA) using the code RELAP5/V3.2 whith Westinghouse fuel assemblies’ (WFA) diversification in WWER-1000 reactors. According to ...
  • Nosov, Pavel Sergeevich; Ben, Andrii Pavlovich; Safonova, Ganna Felixovna; Palamarchuk, I. V. (Запорізький національний технічний університет, 2019)
    Context. The problem of identifying the manifestation of the human factor in the context of utility in maritime transport during emergency situations is considered. The aim of the study is to increase safety in maritime ...
  • Zamlynskyi, Viktor; Zerkal, Anastasiia; Antonov, Andrii; Замлинський, Віктор Анатолійович; Замлинский, Виктор Анатольевич; Зеркаль, Анастасія; Зеркаль, Анастасия; Антонов, Андрій; Антонов, Андрей (2019)
    The development and continuous complication of financial instruments through the integration of technology and management methods lead to an increasing role of financial engineering to ensure the efficient activity of ...
  • Grodska, Elina; Гродська, Еліна Борисівна; Гродская, Элина Борисовна; Shapa, Ludmila; Шапа, Людмила Миколаївна; Шапа, Людмила Николаевна; Machulianska, Anastasiia; Мачулянська, Анастасія Миколаївна; Мачулянская, Анастасия Николаевна (Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 2020-04)
    The article argues that idiomatic competence should receive considerable attention during the process of foreign language acquisition because of the modern processes of European integration, which are putting forward a ...
  • Kryshtanovych, Myroslav; Topalova, Elzara; Pirozhenko, Natalija; Pronina, Oksana; Tokhtarova, Ilmira; Піроженко, Наталія Вікторівна (Одеса: ОП, 2022)
    The main purpose of the article is definition the determinants of influence on the engineering sector and the system of its legal regulation for the reform of local regional authorities. The research methodology includes ...
  • Busher, Victor; Horoshko, Vasily; Бушер, Виктор Владимирович; Горошко, Василий Владимирович (IEEE, 2019-09-25)
    A preliminary analysis and synthesis of structural, functional diagrams of the control system of two electromagnetic retarders connected to the driving wheels of the car, to ensure the adjustment of the fuel system of the ...
  • Kravchenko Olga V., Danchenko Elena B.; Bedrii Dmytro I., Marunych Valerii S. (INST POWER ENGINEERING ACAD SCIENCES MOLDOVA, 2019-06)
    The issues concerning the decision making by a person under the effect of the external information are considered. The authors classify the directions of the existing research. The aim of the study is to analyze the ...
  • Zhyvets, Alla; Живець, Алла Миколаївна; Живец, Алла Николаевна (Riga: Publishing House “Baltija Publishing”, 2018)
    At present, the accountant’s workplace is the most “digitized” at enterprises. It is equipped, on average, with five units of computer, office and communication equipment, and also, on average, seven software products for ...
  • Falkovskyi, Andrii; Dzhezhyk, Olha; Джежик, Ольга Владимировна; Джежик, Ольга Володимирівна; Фалковський, Андрій; Фалковский, Андрей (Publishing House "Baltija Publishing", 2019)
    In the scientific discourse of the XXI century, the concept of modern Europe is being reformed under the influence of reforming the activities of the European Union. Scientific publications and research are conducted based ...
  • Ivanov, Viktor; Іванов, Віктор; Иванов, Виктор; Karaivanov, Dimitar; Ivanova, Svitlana; Volkova, Mariia (EDP Sciences, 2019)
    The parameters of the involute and cycloidal gearing which influence on fluid volume at the tooth space are analysed. It is established that to a greater extent on the flow rate of the pump with involute gearing is influenced ...
  • Ivanov, Viktor; Іванов, Віктор; Иванов, Виктор; Dimitrov, Lubomir; Ivanova, Svitlana; Naleva, Galyna (EDP Sciences, 2019)
    The application of heuristic methods in the design of transmissions is investigated. The structure of heuristic methods is revealed and the heuristic techniques that compose them are established. These ...
  • Nosov, Pavlo Sergiyovich; Ben, Andrii Pavlovich; Matejchuk, Vadim Nikolaevich; Safonov, Mihail Sergeevich (Запорізький національний технічний університет, 2018)
    Context. There is a problem of identifying the subjective entropy of the navigator as an indication of negative human error in maritime transport. The aim of the study is to develop the data system to identify the ...
  • Gryshova, Inna; Zamlynskyi, Viktor; Shestakovska, Tetiana; Гришова, Інна Юріївна; Замлинський, Виктор Анатолійович; Замлинский, Виктор Анатольевич; Шестаковська, Тетяна; Шестаковская, Татьяна (2017)
    The paper aims to reveal the peculiarities of educational clusters formation, to determine the theoretical foundations of this process and rationale for the use of the cluster approach in the management of strategic ...
  • Галацан, Марк Петрович; Кравченко, Владимир Петрович; Киров, Владимир Степанович; Halatsan, Mark; Кравченко, Володимир Петрович; Kravchenko, Volodymir (http://journal.ie.asm.md/assets/files/06_02_43_2019.pdf DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3367064, 2019-08)
    Анализ мирового электроэнергетического баланса показал важное место паротурбинных установок. Рост их эффективности путем повышения начальных параметров встречает трудности, связанные с созданием новых материалов. Повышение ...
  • Durmanov, Akmal; Bartosova, Viera; Drobyazko, Svetlana; Melnyk, Oksana; Fillipov, Volodymyr; Філіппов, Володимир Юрійович; Филиппов, Владимир Юрьевич (Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center, 2019-12)
    There was developed the conceptual framework of information support of the management mechanism of sustainable development of enterprises, in order realize the continuous exchange of information between the controlling and ...
  • Larshin, Vasily; Ларшин, Василь Петрович; Ларшин, Василий Петрович; Gushchin, Anatoly; Гущин, Анатолій Михайлович; Гущин, Анатолий Михайлович (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2021-03-30)
    The article focuses on a new way to solve the problem of cutting processing due to the appearance of a wide range of superhard and hard-to-machine structural materials for aircraft, automobile, ship and engine construction, ...
  • Malakhov, Oleksiy; Kolegaev, Mikhail; Brazhnik, Igor; Saveleva, Oksana; Malakhova, Diana (Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication, 2020-02)
    This investigation is devoted to the development of a new technology for cargo holds ventilation on tankers. The quality criterion for this process is the value of the residual oxygen concentration inside the hold. The ...
  • Potiienko, O.S.; Merkotan, K.K.; Chudak, N.O.; Ptashynskyy, D.A.; Zelentsova, T.M.; Yushkevich, T.V.; Sharph, I.V.; Rusov, V.D. (American Physical Society, 2020-04-24)
    We consider an inelastic scattering of protons within the simplest real scalar model φ3 (phi-cubed). Although this model has been studied for a very long time, the problem of accounting for the interference contributions ...
  • Chursin, Mykola; Antonenko, Tetyana; Чурсін, Микола Миколайович; Чурсин, Николай Николаевич; Антоненко, Тетяна; Антоненко, Татьяна (2019)
    The article is devoted to the problem of the influence of the information space evolution on the value system of the personality. The process of transformation of separate values is considered. Thus, the value of awareness ...
  • Doroshuk, Hanna; Дорошук, Ганна Анатоліївна; Дорошук, Анна Анатольевна (2019)
    The article is aimed at formation the approaches and stages of organizational development for a large vertically integrated company, ensuring the country's strategic security in the field of energy. The methodological basis ...