Праці Одеського політехнічного університету, №1(48), 2016

Праці Одеського політехнічного університету, №1(48), 2016


Последние добавления

  • Zavgorodnya, N.I.; Pivovarov, A.A.; Завгородня, Н . І .; Півоваров, О . А . (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    The tendency of the current time is to find ways of expedient municipal solid waste recycling as a secondary raw material with similar physicochemi cal and mechanical characteristics for the ...
  • Smotraiev, R.V.; Sorochkina, E.O.; Dzuba, А .V.; Galivets, Y.D.; Смотраєв, Р . В .; Сорочкіна, К . О .; Дзюба, А . В .; Галівець, Ю . Д . (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    The actual problem of water supply in the world and in Ukraine, in particular, is a high level of pollution in water resources and an insufficient level of drinking wa ter purification. With industrial wastewat er, ...
  • Shestakova, M.V.; Chebotarev, O.M.; Шестакова, М . В .; Чеботарьов, О . М . (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    Borofluoric acid and its various products, for example comple x metals tetrafluoroborates, become widely used in elec- trochemical processes at refinement of me tals, when receiving soldering fluxes. An ...
  • Kovalenko, I.L.; Kuprin, V.P.; Коваленко, І . Л .; Купрін, В . П . (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    The reverse emulsions have found broad application in ore mining industry as matrixes of emulsi on explosive substances and bori ng washing waters. The defining c haracter- ristic of reverse emulsions of industrial ...
  • Arhipova, V.V.; Smotraiev, R.V.; Gruzdev а, O.V.; Архипова, В . В .; Смотраєв, Р . В .; Груздєва, О . В . (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    Calcium carbonate is on of widely used fillers of com posite materials. The area of its application depend on disperse structure, particle shape and other. The modification of calcium carbonate by high-mo lecular ...
  • Yatsenko, I.V.; Яценко, І . В . (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    To prevent destruction of optical elements the electron beam methods of work surfaces finishing at the stage of manufacture has practical signific ance. These methods can improve the propertie s ...
  • Vlasenko, R.V.; Bialobrzeski, O.V.; Власенко, Р . В .; Бялобржеський, О . В . (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    The active power filter designed to compensa te inactive power components. Aim: The aim of the study is to assess the quality of the three-phase active power filter in the distortion of the mains voltage ...
  • Shpak, O.L.; Шпак, О . Л . (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    Modelling of periodic processes of electromagnetic devices is a complex problem. The task of finding of periodic so lutions of nonlinear differential equations is more complex tha n the Cauchy task of integrating ...
  • Kardasevich, О. O.; Chichenin, V. V.; Hrytsayenko, А. S.; Кардасевич, О. О.; Чиченін, В. В.; Грицаєнко, А. С. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    The work is devoted to assessing of the effectivene ss of chemical-technological processes on the basis of exergy analysis method by the exampl e of the processes in the deaerator. ...
  • Korolov, Oleksandr; Huiyu, Zhou; Корольов, Олександр Вікторович; Хуіюй, Чжоу; Королев, Александр Викторович (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    Inertial part of any devices and equipment (e.g., pumps), hung or mounted on the resilient frame and being under the influence of the disturbing force that work s at a constant ...
  • Butenko, O.G.; Smyk, S.Yu.; Бутенко, О . Г .; Смик, С . Ю . (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    One of priority problems of nature protection activity at the indus trial enterprises is upgrading the gas emissions cleaning of pol ydispersed dust. To solve the problem of catching of small fraction dus t the ...
  • Melentiev, R.Yu.; Мелентьєв, Р . Ю . (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    The research is devoted to problems of heat transfer in a multicomponent body with anisotropic therma l properties, such as polymer composite materials wit h fiberfill and other layered systems. Aim: The ...
  • Kozin, O.B.; Papkovskaya, O.B.; Козін, О . Б .; Папковська, О . Б . (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    Development of effec- tive methods of determining the stress-strain state thin-walled st ructures with inclusions, reinforcements and other stress con centrators is an important task, both from a theoretical ...