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  • Vostrov, G.; Bezrukova, Yu.; Востров, Г. М.; Безрукова, Ю. С.; Востров, Г. Н.; Безрукова, Ю. С. (2018-03)
    In this article we have described the object of the discrete logarithm problem and spelled out the ways of the discrete logarithm theory implementation. Also there is the analysis of some methods by indication of the ...
  • Nesterenko, Sergey; Nesterenko, Julia; Нестеренко, С. А.; Нестеренко, Ю. С.; Нестеренко, С. А.; Нестеренко, Ю. С. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2015-03)
    The development of mathematical model for calculating IEEE 802.11g maximum channel throughput is carried out. With the use of the developed model a study of maximum channel throughput for all mandatory data rates of ...
  • Sytnikov, Valery Stepanovich; Sytnikov, Tikhon Valeryevich; Tymokhin, Dmitry Aleksandrovich; Ситников, В. С.; Ситников, Т. В.; Тимохин, Д. А.; Ситнiков, В. С.; Ситнiков, Т. В.; Тимохін, Д. О. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2013-04)
    The analysis of phase-frequency response of the first order components on an example of Butterworth and Chebyshev digital filters is carried out in the article, changes of these characteristics at variations of filter ...
  • Антощук, Светлана Григорьевна; Коваленко, Никита Владиславович; Годовиченко, Николай Анатольевич; Antoshchuk, Svstlana; Kovalenko, Mykyta; Godovichenko, MMykola; Антощук, Світлана Григорівна; Коваленко, Микита. Вkflbckfdjdbx; Годовиченко, Микола Анатолійович (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2015-03)
    В данной статье предложена система автоматического аннотирования видеоматериала, по- строенная на основе онтологии предметной области, содержащей словарь, используемый для аннотирования; а также на основе Байесовской ...
  • Болтенков, Виктор Алексеевич; Нгуен, Гуи Кионг; Малявин, Дмитрий Вадимович; Boltenkov, Victor; Nhuen, Hui Kionh; Maljavin, Dmitro; Малявін, Дмитро Вадимович (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2015-03)
    Исследованы алгоритмы построения скелетов бинарных изображений. Проведены обзор и классификация существующих алгоритмов скелетизации. Алгоритмы исследованы с точки зрения качества по- строения скелета и быстродействия. ...
  • Lebedev, V.; Rymsha, V.; Lendel, I.; Лебедев, В. А.; Рымша, В. В.; Лендел, И. В.; Лебедєв, В. О.; Римша, В. В.; Лендел, І. В. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2014-11)
    In this paper, the basic requirements for the electric-drive of mechanism of pulsed wire feed, and the benefits of using a special Brushless Direct Current electric-drive are described. For phase commutation of ...
  • Babushanov, Aleksey; Бабушанов, А. В. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2011-02)
    Contact-free combiner synchronous generators rotor windings distribution schemes were reviewed. Merits and demerits of well-known combined windings and advantages of a new combined winding were defined on basis of ...
  • Арсирий, Елена Александровна; Антощук, Светлана Григорьевна; Трофимов, Борис Федорович; Arsiriy, Olena; Antoshchuk, Svitlana; Trofymov, Boris; Арсiрiй, Oлена Oлександрівна; Антощук, Світлана Григорівна; Трофімов, Борис Федорович (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2014-11)
    Разработана распределенная проблемно-ориентированная система поддержки принятия решений, которая базируется на новых моделях, методах и информационных технологиях, и позволяет ре- шить важную научно-прикладную проблему ...
  • Kryvda, Victoria; Rudnickij, Valdemar; Крывда, В. И.; Рудницкий, В. Г.; Кривда, В. І.; Рудницький, В. Г. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2015-06)
    Mathematical model of the device of regulation of voltage is presented. Operation of the device on the transformer with switching voltage without excitation allows to control mode at various values of electrical remoteness and ...
  • Antoshchuk, Svitlana; Brovkov, Volodimir; Kovalenko, Nikita; Антощук, Світлана Григорівна; Бровков, Володимир; Коваленко, Микита.; Антощук, Светлана Григорьевна; Бровков, Владимир; Коваленко, Никита (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2013-11)
    The article exposes a wireless distributed video-surveillance networks for efficient human behaviour recognition using cameras with and without controlled areas overlapping. А.м. system application would allow effective solution ...
  • Drozd, Alex V.; Mileiko, Serhii I.; Kalinichenko, Vladimir V.; Ulchenko, Nickolay O.; Дрозд, А. В.; Милейко, С. И.; Калиниченко, В. В.; Ульченко, Н.О.; Дрозд, О. В.; Мілейко, С. І.; Калініченко, В. В.; Ульченко, М.О. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2014-03)
    Green-orientation of modern CAD systems based on Altera Quartus II and build-in utility PowerPlay Power Analyzer, allowing to optimize and to estimate FPGA-project by power consumption within the scope of signal activity ...
  • Abdullah, Omar Muayad; Абдуллах, О. М.; Абдуллах, О. М. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2013-04)
    The analysis of the main features of digital data presentation, in particular sound signals, in technologies of multimedia is made. Classification of multimedia-applications is proved and the main methods and widespread hardware ...
  • Surkov, Sergey Sergeevich; Martynyuk, Oleksandr Nikolaevich; Сурков, С. С.; Мартынюк, А. Н.; Сурков, C. С.; Мартинюк, О. М. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016-05)
    With the crucial growth of information-technologies is rapidly growing sociability. The clearest example - there are many social networks. To solve the problem of authorization for third-party web services use OAuth protocol, ...
  • Krylov, Victor; Shcherbakova, Halyna; Pisarenko, Radmila; Крылов, Виктор Николаевич; Щербакова, Галина Юрьевна; Писаренко, Радмила Алексеевна; Крилов, Віктор Миколайович; Щербакова, Галина Юріївна; Писаренко, Радмила Олексіївна (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016-05)
    In this paper, an analysis of existing automated test systems (ATS) and corresponding information technologies (IT) of parameters processing was carried out. At the heart of the IT and processing methods (identification, ...
  • Polozhaienko, Serhii; Положаєнко, Сергій Анатолійович; Kuznichenko, Svitlana; Кузніченко, Світлана Д. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2012-03)
    The approach to the solution of the class of spatially-distributed non-steady disparities which one is offered make mathematical models of physical processes of a directional effect. The approach is grounded on optimization ...
  • Shcherbakova, Galyna Yurievna; Krylov, Victor Nikolaevich; Babilunga, Oxana Uriivna; Щербакова, Г. Ю.; Крылов, В. Н.; Бабилунга, О. Ю.; Щербакова, Г. Ю.; Крилов, В.М.; Бабілунга, О. Ю. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2015-06)
    The method classification with training on the base of wavelet transformation is designed. This method may be used for identification of the ranges of factors separating surfaces. This method may be used for choice ...
  • Gvozdeva, Irina Maratovna; Гвоздева, І. M.; Гвоздева, И. M. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2011-02)
    The method to perform a full-scale modelling of acoustic coherent images in hydroacoustic tank is proposed in the paper. The method is based upon a direct measurement of parameters of the acoustic field which was reflected ...
  • Polozhaienko, Serhii; Положаєнко, Сергій Анатолійович (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2013-09)
    For a class of the abnormal diffusive processes which mathematical models are formalized in the form of variation inequalities in private derivatives, the method of mathematical modeling based on optimizing procedure ...
  • Busher, V.; Yarmolovich, V.; Бушер, В. В.; Ярмолович, В. Я.; Бушер, В. В.; Ярмолович, В. Я. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2014-08)
    A universal model of fractional-order differential equation is proposed. It is derived in form hyper neuron, based on a representation of the solution of the equation by finite increments and a modified form of the ...
  • Busher, V.; Glazeva, O.; Vlasov, V.; Глазєва, О. В.; Бушер, В. В.; Власов, В. Б.; Глазева, О. В.; Бушер, В. В.; Власов, В. Б. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2015-06)
    A comparative analysis of the main types of modern ship power systems has been made. Presented are the basic advantages of the propulsion electric units – increase of manoeuvrability, transhipment ability, efficiency, ...