Викладено результати аналізу комунікативної ефективності сайту наукового журналу
«Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій» з позицій: динаміки відвідуваності (кількість сеансів,
відвідувачів, переглянутих сторінок, у тому числі загалом і за один сеанс, тривалість сеансу),
структури відвідувачів та авторів статей за країнами, пристроїв і каналів заходів на сайт,
мовної структури статей, тематичної спрямованості статей журналу, структури авторів за
рівнем кваліфікації тощо. Виконано аналіз комунік ативної ефективності сайту журналу та
заходів, що їх реалізує редакційна колегія. Виявлено основні недоліки комунікативної політики і
зазначено шляхи їх усунення. Аналіз підтвердив достатньо високий рівень комунікативної
ефективності сайту, а також актуальність тематичної спрямованості розділів журналу.
Результати аналізу доцільно використовувати як методичну допомога редакційним колегіям
нових журналів.
The aim of the article is to research the communicative effectiveness of the scientific journal's
website The results of the analysis of the communicative effectiveness of the website of «Marketing and
Management of Innovations» scientific journal are pres ented from the point of view of: attendance
dynamics (number of sessions, visitors, viewed pages in general and their number per session, duration
of the session), structure of visitors and articles’ authors by countries, devices and channels used,
languag e structure of the articles, the thematic focus of the articles, authors structure based on their
qualification level, etc. The analysis of the communicative effectiveness of the journal website and
activities implemented by the editorial board is carried out. The main shortcomings of communicative
policy are revealed and ways of their elimination are indicated. The analysis confirms the high level of
the communicative effectiveness of the website, as well as the relevance of the thematic focus of the magazine sections.
The communicative efficiency of the scientific journal's website is characterized by positive
dynamics, which is confirmed by an increase of attendance rates both of quantity of visits and
geographical locations of visitors that is constantly expanding. It speaks of increasing of the interest of
readers and authors in the journal and its content. It is positive that the interest is shown by people from
the countries with advanced science. At the same time, the insufficient attention of editors
of the journal to social networks should be noted. The articles' language policy of the journal is balanced. More than half of the articles are published in the state language. The share of articles in English is approaching
almost 50% too, which corresponds both to the state language policy and to the world trends. It is
positive that authors from European scholars, Asian countries, in particular, Iran, began to publish
their articles regularly.
The thematic orientation of the sections of the journal, selected by the editorial board, is
adequate from the point of the topics of the articles submitted for publication.
This fact makes us to draw a conclusion about the popularity of the directions of the scientific
researches in the mainstream of the thematic directions of the journal. The main share of the articles is
written by authors with the highest level of scientific qualification – PhD.
This is explained by: the normative requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to candidates for the academic rank of professor or docent; the desire to score «points» for
applying for grants; high requirements for the articles, that are difficult to implement by low-level
scientists, etc., which is confirmed by the share of postgraduate students and students, which is
constantly decreasing. The journal is interesting for scientists from the leading countries of the world.
The objectivity of such an assessment is confirmed by the fact that the libraries have included
the journal «Marketing and Management of Innovations» in their electronic resources themselves.
By the initiative of the specialists of the scientific database the journal was included in the one of the databases of the young and dynamically developing journals of the world – the Emerging
Sources Citation Index, the part of the Web of Science, that says about high valuation of the articles content and their thematic focus. Besides, the articles of the journal have been indexed directly by the Web of Science since 2015. This contributes to a sharp increase of interest to the journal and the amount of articles for publication. With the aim of maintenance of the high quality of articles and the journal's image, the
editors’ board has made a decision about toughening of the expertise and selecti on of the articles.
Publication in the journal «Marketing and Management of Innovations» is the important factor
contributing to the obtaining of international and national scientific Grants by the authors, enhancing
the scientific credibility of the authors themselves.
Conclusions and direction for further research.
The results of the analysis should be used as a methodical basis by editorial boards of new journals.