This paper describes the links between STREAM education components (Science, Technology, Reading/Writing, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) and the stages of computer game development (StoryTelling / Scripts, GameDesign, 2D / 3D-Computer graphics, Programming, Functional / Emotional Testing, Game Level, Marketing) on the example of the use of human motion control sensors.It is showed examples of experiments during the organization of two master classes in event «Meet and Code 2018».
В роботі описані зв'язки між компонентами STREAM-освіти (Science, Technology, Reading/Writing, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) та етапами розробки комп’ютерних ігор (StoryTelling/Scripts, GameDesign, 2D/3D-Computer graphics, Programming, Functional/Emotional Testing, Game Level, Marketing) на прикладі використання сенсорів контролю руху людини. Показані приклади експериментів під час організації двох майстер-класів Meet and Code 2018.