Crank machines, when operated, often are overloaded that causes the machinery main parts: bed, shafts, and slide are subjected to breakdowns. In order to prevent such failures, various types’ safety devices are used. Still, the existing safety cutoffs have several disadvantages and cannot provide a reliable crank machines overload protection. A safety device implemented as a roller function-generating mechanism is proposed. It can significantly increase both accuracy and reliability of crank machines overload protection. This roller function-generating mechanism provides the machine moving parts kinetic energy absorption at the expense of this preventer device activation after the machine electric engine shutdown. Therefore it increases the accuracy of crank machines overload protection. Defined are the analytical dependencies for roller function-generating mechanism calculation. This mechanism provides variable reduction ratio during the rollers displacement and increases that ratio after safety device activation start. Established is the spring rigidity index value as this preventer gauge element, ensuring that the effort developed in the machine power circuit shall never exceed the nominal force of preventing safety device activation.