Праці Одеського політехнічного університету, №3(50), 2016

Праці Одеського політехнічного університету, №3(50), 2016


Последние добавления

  • Ahmad, Ahmad; Рахбар - Ранжі, Ахмад (Одеса: ОНПУ, 2016)
    Повздовжній вигин з крученням ребер жорсткості є одним з видів втрати стійкості корабельних підкріплених пластин, що може швидко призвести до їх катастрофічного руйнування. Втрата товщини полотна і фланця через корозію ...
  • Oborskiy, G. A.; Goloborodko, G. M.; PERPERI, L. M.; Guhnin, V. P.; Palennyi, Yu. G.; Оборський, Г. О.; Голобородько, Г. М.; Перпері, Л. М.; Гугнін, В. П.; Паленний, Ю. Г. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    With ever increasing demands of a labor market for specialists the important role played revision of approaches to quality of education. In accordance with the European standards and guidelines on quality of higher education ...
  • Ivanchenko, A. V.; Yelatontsev, D. O.; Іванченко, А. В.; Єлатонцев, Д. О. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    At most coke plants of Ukraine and the world, ammonium sulphate (NH 4)2SO4, which is an ammonium fertilizer, get in the department of trapping chemical products of cok ing. The liquid wastes formed in this department ...
  • Myronenko, S. V.; Gillis, D.; Мироненко, С. В.; Гілліс, Д. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    At present sharply there is a problem of traffic management especially in big cities. The increase in the number of vehicles, both personal and public, led to congestion of city roads, many hours of ...
  • Lebedeva, Ye. Yu.; Kobozeva, A. A.; Zorilo, V. V.; Лебедєва, О. Ю.; Кобозєва, А. А.; Зоріло, В. В. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    In the work the modification of a method of detection and localization of region s of the integrity violation in the digital image obtained as a result of cloning is developed. Aim : The aim of the work ...
  • Korolyov, Oleksandr; Zhou, Huiyu; Корольов, Олександр Вікторович; Чжоу, Хуіюй; Королев, Александр Викторович (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    The article presents the results of experimental studies of pressure fluctuations in the pipes of piston pumps. The relevance of these studies is due to the need to reduce the pressure fluctuations that create a positive ...
  • Witkowski, A. V.; Вітковський, А. В. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    The current crisis of public passenger transport in the world and in Ukraine in particular, caused primarily by uncontrolled motorization that impairs the capacity of city transport network. In addition to ...
  • Chayun, I. M.; Nepomnyashchyi, A. V.; Чаюн, І. М.; Непомнящий, О. В. (Odes’kyi Politechnichnyi Universytet, 2016)
    Steel lifting ropes, cables and other similar products are rod statically undeterminable prestressed structures. Preliminary deformations of their elements (wires) are caused by their manufacturing ...
  • Тіхенко, Валентин Миколайович; Tikhenko, Valentyn; Fedorenko, Yu. O.; Федоренко, Ю. О.; Прокопович, Лада Валеріївна; Prokopovych, Lada (Odes’kyi Politechnichnyi Universytet., 2016)
    The growing quantity of people with bone pathology causes the urgency of finding the new reconstruction materials. However, their application may experience different side effects that result the rejection reactions. ...
  • Myronenko, S. V.; Wenger, A. S.; Atmazhov, S. V.; Мироненко, С. В.; Венгер, А. С.; Атмажов, С. В. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    Increasing the intensity of transport traffic, changing in restructuring and high-speed modes of transport flows more stringent requirements for controls and traffic management impose to ensure the necessary ...