Artificial intelligence in mobile marketing: conditions, obstacles and prospects of using

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dc.contributor.author Яшкiна, Оксана Іванівна
dc.contributor.author Яшкина, Оксана Ивановна
dc.contributor.author Yashkina, Oksana
dc.contributor.author Чайковська, Марина Петрiвна
dc.contributor.author Чайковская, Марина Петровна
dc.contributor.author Chaikovska, Marina
dc.contributor.author Фiлатова, Вероніка Андріївна
dc.contributor.author Филатова, Вероника Андреевна
dc.contributor.author Filatova, Veronika
dc.date.accessioned 2021-01-18T10:12:33Z
dc.date.available 2021-01-18T10:12:33Z
dc.date.issued 2020
dc.identifier.citation Яшкiна, О. І. Artificial intelligence in mobile marketing: conditions, obstacles and prospects of using / О. І. Яшкiна, М. П. Чайковська, В. А.Фiлатова // Маркетинг і цифрові технології. - 2020. - Т. 4, № 2, - С. 53-60. en
dc.identifier.issn 2522-9087 (Print)
dc.identifier.issn 2523-434X (Online)
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.opu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/11244
dc.description.abstract The article considers the main problematic issues of application of artificial intelligence technologies in the practice of mobile marketing in Ukraine. The tendencies of development of the Internet environment in the world, growth of volumes of the accumulated information, trends of mobile traffic and their influence on digital transformations of marketing are analyzed. The advantages of mobile marketing as an effective channel of operative personalized interaction with consumers and a source of receiving statistical information on the results of marketing activities are revealed. Factors, preconditions and obstacles of practical application of modern digital analytics tools in mobile marketing are considered. A marketing study was conducted on consumer attitudes to the use of artificial intelligence technologies, the level of information about the benefits and risks of these technologies, understanding the categories of stakeholders for the development and implementation of artificial intelligence technologies in the practice of mobile marketing in Ukraine were done. The Ukrainian market of software products and services in the segment of artificial intelligence technologies is analyzed. Disparities between the level of technological development of society and the level of consumer confidence in their use are revealed. Stakeholders are invited to pay more attention to the analysis of informational and ethical issues of application of technological innovations in marketing by end users, increasing the transparency and controllability of this process. en
dc.language.iso en_US en
dc.publisher ОНПУ en
dc.subject digital marketing en
dc.subject mobile marketing en
dc.subject artificial intelligence en
dc.subject artificial intelligence technologies in marketing en
dc.subject level of trust in artificial intelligence en
dc.title Artificial intelligence in mobile marketing: conditions, obstacles and prospects of using en
dc.type Article en
opu.kafedra Кафедра маркетингу
opu.citation.journal Маркетинг і цифрові технології en
opu.citation.volume 4 en
opu.citation.firstpage 53 en
opu.citation.lastpage 60 en
opu.citation.issue 2 en
opu.staff.id yashkina@opu.ua en

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