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2016: Recent submissions

  • Sklyarov, I. O.; Скляров, I. О . (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016-03-15)
    The article is devoted to effectiveness of using of monosymmetrical I-beams with flexible wall frame structures of variable section, features of their calculation and design. Aim: The aim of research is to confirm the ...
  • Ahmad, Ahmad; Рахбар - Ранжі, Ахмад (Одеса: ОНПУ, 2016)
    Повздовжній вигин з крученням ребер жорсткості є одним з видів втрати стійкості корабельних підкріплених пластин, що може швидко призвести до їх катастрофічного руйнування. Втрата товщини полотна і фланця через корозію ...
  • Zavgorodnya, N.I.; Pivovarov, A.A.; Завгородня, Н . І .; Півоваров, О . А . (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    The tendency of the current time is to find ways of expedient municipal solid waste recycling as a secondary raw material with similar physicochemi cal and mechanical characteristics for the ...
  • Mikhailova, E . O .; Panasenko, V . O .; Markova, N . B .; Михайлова, Є.О.; Панасенко, В.О.; Маркова, Н.Б. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    A promising direction in solving of environmental problems of soda industry is the development of low - waste resource - saving technologies, which consist in recycling of valuable waste components with obtaining the ...
  • Kozin, O. B .; Papkovskaya, O. B .; Kozina, M. O .; Козін, О. Б.; Папковська, О. Б.; Козіна, M. O. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    Development of efficient methods of determination of an intense - strained state of thin - walled constructional designs with inclusions, reinforcements and other stress raisers is an important problem ...
  • Mikulich, O . A .; Shvab’yuk, V. I.; Мікуліч, О.А.; Шваб’юк, В.І. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    In mechanical engineering, building and other industries a significant part of the process includes the presence of various dynamic loads due to technol ogical and mechanical impacts. Consideration ...
  • Yatsenko, I. V.; Яценко, І. В. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    To prevent destruction of the elements made of optical ceramics the practical importance has the preliminary el ectron - beam treatment of their surfaces during the manufacturing stage of devices based ...
  • Kostyrka, O. V.; Костирка, О. В. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    At the organization of a covert communication channel a number of requirements are imposed on used steganography algorithms among which one of the main are: resis tance to attacks against the built - in ...
  • Kobozeva, Alla;; Grigorenko, Svitlana; Кобозєва, Алла Анатоліївна; Григоренко, Світлана Миколаївна; Кобозева, Алла Анатольевна; Григоренко, Светлана Николаевна (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    The problem of detection of the digital image falsification results performed by cloning is considered – one of the most often used program tools implemented in all modern graphic editors. Aim : The aim of the ...
  • Zorilo, V. V.; Lebedeva, Ye. Yu.; Kozina, M. O.; Belush, D. S.; Зоріло, В. В.; Лебедєва, О. Ю.; Козіна, М. О.; Бєлуш, Д. С. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    The widespread using of fake pictures in information wars, lawsuits, politics, etc., needs to develop new detection methods of photomontage. One of them is a method of photomontage detection based on the analysis of ...
  • Nesterenko, S.A.; Nesterenko, J.S.; Нестеренко, С.А.; Нестеренко, Ю.С. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    A key direction of modern computer networks reengineering is their transfer to a new energy - saving technology IEEE 802.3az. To make a reasoned decision about the transition to the new technology is needed a ...
  • Ahrameev, V.G.; Ахрамєєв, В.Г. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    For circulating cooling systems, the solid mineral sediments formed as a result of crystallization of sparingly soluble inorg anic salts in the transition of circulating water in the supersaturated state are the most ...
  • Lebedev, V. G.; Bespalova, A.V.; Dashkovskaya, O . P .; Лебедєв, В.Г.; Беспалова, А.В.; Дашковська, О.П. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    When cutting stone, a large amount of dust re lease, which is a mixture of small, mostly sharp, mineral particles. Shallow dry dust with inhalation causes the pathological changes in organs ...
  • Remez, N.S.; Osipova, T.A.; Ремез, Н.С.; Осіпова, Т.А (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    Today increase in volumes of accumulation of a household waste acts as a global serious problem. Ukraine occupies one of the first places on the list in the world by garbage quantity per capita. ...
  • Mikhaylovskiy, D. V.; Matyuschenko, D. M.; Михайловський., Д.В.; Матющенко, Д.М. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    One of the most common types of structures made of glulam beams is curved frames. A lot of industrial plants and public build ings are built using curved frames. The using of such frames in buildings with an aggressive ...
  • Rahbar - Ranji, Ahmad; Рахбар - Ранжі, Ахмад (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    Modal analysis of structures is carried - out to calculate natural frequencies and mode shapes. These par ameters are the essential technical information required in the analysis and design of any structures. In ...
  • Koshel, S.O.; Koshel, G.V.; Кошель, С.О.; Кошель, Г.В. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    Complex multielement mechanisms are increasingly used in the technical equipment of consumer industry. The lack of a universal method of kinematic research of these mechanisms asserts the ...
  • Oborskiy, G. A.; Goloborodko, G. M.; PERPERI, L. M.; Guhnin, V. P.; Palennyi, Yu. G.; Оборський, Г. О.; Голобородько, Г. М.; Перпері, Л. М.; Гугнін, В. П.; Паленний, Ю. Г. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    With ever increasing demands of a labor market for specialists the important role played revision of approaches to quality of education. In accordance with the European standards and guidelines on quality of higher education ...
  • Myronenko, S. V.; Gillis, D.; Мироненко, С. В.; Гілліс, Д. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    At present sharply there is a problem of traffic management especially in big cities. The increase in the number of vehicles, both personal and public, led to congestion of city roads, many hours of ...
  • Lebedeva, Ye. Yu.; Kobozeva, A. A.; Zorilo, V. V.; Лебедєва, О. Ю.; Кобозєва, А. А.; Зоріло, В. В. (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2016)
    In the work the modification of a method of detection and localization of region s of the integrity violation in the digital image obtained as a result of cloning is developed. Aim : The aim of the work ...