Просмотр 2015 по названию

Просмотр 2015 по названию

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  • Galchonkov, O. M.; Loziienko, N. V.; Галчонков, О. М.; Лозієнко, Н. В. (Odessa Politechnic University, 2015)
    Based on the experience of the European universities participants to theTEMPUS MEDIS project contents of the problem-based learning and advanced problem-based learning are highlighted. Integration of the advanced problem-based ...
  • Sadchenko, A. V.; Kushnirenko, O. A.; Troyansky, A. V.; Садченко, А. В.; Кушніренко, О. А.; Троянський, О. В. (Odessa Polytechnic University, 2015)
    Digital television systems need to ensure that all digital signals processing operations are performed simultaneously and consistently. Frame synchronization dictated by the need to match phases of transmitter and receiver ...
  • Filipsky, Yu. K.; Аgadzhanyan, А. R.; Svyryd, I. V.; Филипский, Ю. К.; Агаджанян, А. Р.; Свирид, И. В.; Філіпський, Ю. К.; Агаджанян, А. Р.; Свирид, І. В. (Odes’kyi Politechnichnyi Universytet., 2015)
    In this article the limited application of the non-stationary signals spectra classical analysis using the Fourier transform is substantiated. It is shown that Fourier transform has benefits at periodic signals analysis ...
  • Maksimov, V. G.; Nitsevych, A. D.; Tkachev, A. A.; Максимов, В. Г.; Ніцевич, О. Д.; Ткачьов, О. А.; Максимов, В. Г.; Ницевич, А. Д.; Ткачёв, А. А. (Odessa Polytechnic University, 2015)
    Considered is a problem of longevity estimation and guaranteeing the preplanned lifespan of the automobile’s parts, assemblies and structural units. The main statistical indicators of machine parts durability include such ...
  • Denysova, A. E.; Bodnar, Ihor; Денисова, Алла Євсіївнв.; Боднар, Ігор Олександрович; Денисова, Алла Евсеевна; Боднар Игорь Александрович (Odessa Politechnic University, 2015)
    The problem of energy saving becomes one of the most important in power engineering. It is caused by exhaustion of world reserves in hydrocarbon fuel, such as gas, oil and coal representing sources of traditional heat ...
  • Tsiselskaya, T. O.; Kovtun, A. V.; Цисельская, Т. А.; Ковтун, А. В.; Цисельська, Т. О.; Ковтун, А. В. (Odessa Polytechnic University, 2015)
    The article is devoted to the problem of creating a system of automated control with boron regulation for reactor WWER-1000 series. Using the boron regulation to control WWER-1000 allo ws to extend its ...
  • Dashchenko, O. F.; Svinarov, Yu . М .; Lymarenko, O. M.; Дащенко, О. Ф.; Свінарьов, Ю. М.; Лимаренко, О. М. (Odessa Politechnic University, 2015)
    The forearm fractures constitute about 15% of all fractures of the limb segments. The most common they are among athletes and people involved in a traffic accidents or military actions. The relevance of design and numerical ...
  • Shvets, P. S.; Lebedeva, O. Yu.; Bondarenko, V. V.; Швець, П. С.; Лебедєва, О. Ю.; Бондаренко, В. В. (Odessa Polytechnic University, 2015)
    The important problem in design of rubber-metal products is the optimization of their ma ss without sacrificing of proportionality factor is in the limit s of standard. Aim: The aim of this ...
  • Gorobets, V. A.; Manoylenko, O. P.; Горобець, В. А.; Манойленко, О. П. (Odessa Politechnic University, 2015)
    . Defining parameters of sewing machines’ some mechanisms for new types of stitches still remain an unresolved urgent task. This study presents a method for determining the optimum parameters of the sewing machine parts’ ...
  • Dmitrieva, I. Yu.; Дмитрієва, І. Ю. (Odessa Politechnic University, 2015)
    Present results concern the general scientific tendency dealing with mathematical modeling and analytical study of electromagnetic field phenomena described by the systems of partial differential equations. Specific ...
  • Koshel, S . O .; Koshel, G . V .; Кошель, С . О .; Кошель, Г . В . (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2015)
    The complex planar multilink mechanisms are in increasingly wide use at light industry process equipment. With resp ect to the lack of a universal met hod for these mechanisms’ kinematic st udies evident ...
  • Korniyenko, Yu. V.; Suryaninov, M. G.; Корниенко, Ю. В.; Сурьянинов, Н. Г.; Корнієнко, Ю. В.; Сур’янінов, М. Г. (Odessa Polytechnic University, 2015)
    Up to recent days the algorithms for numer ical-analytical boundary elements method had been implemented with programs written in MATLAB environment language. Each program had a local character, i.e. used ...
  • Makarova, T . V .; Zhukova, A . V .; Макарова, Т . В .; Жукова, А . В .; Макарова, Т . В .; Жукова, А . В . (Odessa Polytechnic University, 2015)
    Developed is a new approach to the organization of practical training for undergraduate students of technical universities’ engineering specialties which contri butes to forming their initial independent research ...
  • Nikipelova, O.M.; Kisilevskaya, A.Yu.; Solodova, L.B.; Никипелова, Е . М .; Кисилевская, А . Ю .; Солодова, Л . Б .; Нікіпелова, О . М .; Кисилевська, А . Ю .; Солодова, Л . Б . (Odessa Polytechnic University, 2015)
    Biological effects of mineral water depend not only on the chemical composition but also on the metabolic products of microbial cenosis. Among numerous microorganisms constituting the autochthonous microflora ...
  • Tatsiy, R . M .; Ushak, T . I .; Тацій, Р . М .; Ушак, Т . І . (Odessa Politechnic University, 2015)
    The authors propose a new approximate method for solving the rectangular plates’ stability with a singular elastic base problem. The problem of critical forces’ determination is reduced to solving a set of differential ...
  • Zaitsev, Serhii; Зайцев, Сергій Володимирович; Зайцев, Сергей Владимирович (Odessa Polytechnic University, 2015)
    The gas chromatography used for detecting antioxidizing additive ionol at transformer oil presence helps to ensure reliable operation of oil-filled electrical equipment. Changes in the i onol preliminary ...
  • Shatsky, I . P .; Ropyak, L . Ya .; Шацький, І . П .; Роп ’ як, Л . Я . (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2015)
    The article de- scribes promising structures of clip (screw and friction) connectio ns with incomplete sweep of sh aft used in machines and mech- anisms for the oil and gas industry. The contact problems of ...
  • Kovalenko, I.L.; Kuprin, V . P .; Kiyaschenk, D . V .; Коваленко, И . Л .; Куприн, В . П .; Киященко, Д . В .; Коваленко, І . Л .; Купрін, В . П .; Кіященко, Д . В . (Odessa Polytechnic University, 2015)
    In this paper it is presented the substantiation of choice of fuel phase composition and optimal technology of emulsion production on the basis of binary so lution of ammonium and calc ium nitrates, ...
  • Kоlesnikova, Kateryna; Оlekh, Tetiana; Barchanova, Yuliia; Vasilieva, V. Yu.; Колеснікова, Катерина Вікторівна; Олех, Тетяна Мефодіївна; Барчанова, Юлія Сергіївна; Васильєва, В. Ю.; Колесникова, Екатерина Викторовна; Олех, Татьяна Мефодиевна; Барчанова, Юлия Сергеевна (Odessa Polytechnic University, 2015)
    The structures effective-ness of project management depends on two fa ctors: parametric properties that reflect the properties of separate elements (or processes), structural properties of system that reflect the ...
  • Krutiy, Yu . S .; Крутій, Ю . С . (Odessa Polytechnic University, 2015)
    The important issue in the oscilla- tion theory is the study of resistance imp act on oscillatory processes. Unlike the calculations of free oscillations, that resi de in determination of natural frequencies and ...